首页> 外文期刊>The British Journal of Social Psychology >Group rationale, collective sense: Beyondintergroup bias

Group rationale, collective sense: Beyondintergroup bias


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In this paper, I contest the view of the group as a source of bias and irrationality,especially prevalent within social psychology. I argue that this negative evaluation oftenarises by applying inappropriate standards, relating to the wrong level of analysis(often the individual level). Second, the image of the group as bad and biasing is oftenoverstated. For example, the evidence suggests that intergroup discrimination, ratherthan being universal or generic, is often constrained, proportionate and reflectsfunctional and rational strategies for managing threats and opportunities at the grouplevel. Third, although the recent upsurge of interest in group emotions could be seen toreinforce the dualism between rationality and emotion, the contemporary functionalapproach argues for group emotions as augmenting rather than contradictingrationality. However, we should be wary (and weary) of narrow economic andindividualist notions of rationality; group identity may offer the opportunity to redefinerationality in more collective and prosocial ways.



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