首页> 外文期刊>The British Journal of Social Psychology >'I don't view myself as a woman politician, I view myself as a politician who's a woman': The discursive management of gender identity in political leadership

'I don't view myself as a woman politician, I view myself as a politician who's a woman': The discursive management of gender identity in political leadership


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Former Prime Minister Julia Gillard's speech in the Australian parliament on sexism and misogyny received considerable public attention and controversy. However, less attention has been paid to how Gillard attended and oriented to issues related to her status as a woman during the period between her elevation to the position of Prime Minister in June 2010 and the delivery of the misogyny speech in October 2012. Using a discursive psychological approach, this article examines a corpus of interview transcripts in which gender was occasioned both explicitly and implicitly by speakers, thus requiring Gillard to attend to her gender identity. The analysis demonstrates that far from making gender a salient and relevant membership category, Gillard worked strategically to mitigate her gender as merely inconsequential to her role as Prime Minister. These findings are discussed in relation to existing research examining how gender is oriented to, negotiated, and resisted in talk to accomplish social actions, and more specifically what may be at stake for women in leadership positions who explicitly orient to gender as an identity category.
机译:前总理朱莉亚·吉拉德(Julia Gillard)在澳大利亚议会关于性别歧视和厌女症的演讲引起了广泛的公众关注和争议。但是,在吉拉德(Gillard)从2010年6月升任总理职位到2012年10月发表厌女症演讲期间,如何关注和定位与妇女地位有关的问题,却很少受到关注。话语的心理学方法,本文考察了访谈笔录的语料库,其中说话人明示或暗含了性别,因此要求吉拉德注意自己的性别认同。分析表明,吉拉德不仅没有使性别成为重要的和相关的会员类别,反而从战略上减轻了她的性别,这与她担任总理的角色无关紧要。这些发现与现有研究进行了讨论,研究旨在探讨性别如何适应,谈判和抵制以完成社会行为,更具体地说,对于领导职位中明确将性别定位为身份类别的女性而言,可能面临的风险。



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