首页> 外文期刊>Chest: The Journal of Circulation, Respiration and Related Systems >Impact of Different Backup Respiratory Rates on the Efficacy of Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation in Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome A Randomized Trial

Impact of Different Backup Respiratory Rates on the Efficacy of Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation in Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome A Randomized Trial


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Background: Unintentional leaks, patient-ventilatory asynchrony, and obstructive or central events (either residual or induced by noninvasive positive pressure ventilation [NPPV]) occur in patients treated with NPPV, but the impact of ventilator settings on these disturbances has been little explored. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of backup respiratory rate (BURR) settings on the efficacy of ventilation, sleep structure, subjective sleep quality, and respiratory events in a group of patients with obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS). Methods: Ten stable patients with OHS treated with lo ng-term nocturnal NPPV underwent polysomnographic recordings and transcutaneous capnograpny on 3 consecutive nights with three different settings for BURR in random order: spontaneous (S) mode, low BURR, and high BURR. No other ventilator parameter was modified. Results: The S mode was associated with the occurrence of a highly significant increase in respiratory events, mainly of central and mixed origin, when compared with both spontaneous/timed (S/T) modes. Accordingly, the oxygen desaturation index was significantly higher in the S mode than in either of the S/T modes. The results of nocturnal transcutaneous Pco_2 (Ptcco_2) (mean value and time spent with Ptcco_2 > 50 mm Hg) were similar over the three consecutive nocturnal recordings. The quality of sleep was perceived as slightly better, and the number of perceived arousals as lower with the low- vs high-BURR (S/T) mode. Conclusions: In a homogenous group of patients treated with long-term NPPV for obesity-hypoventilation, changing BURR from an S/T mode with a high or low BURR to an S mode was associated with the occurrence of a highly significant increase in respiratory events, of mainly central and mixed origin.
机译:背景:接受NPPV治疗的患者会发生意外的泄漏,患者-换气不同步以及阻塞性或中枢性事件(残余或无创正压通气[NPPV]诱发),但很少探讨呼吸机设置对这些疾病的影响。这项研究的目的是调查后备呼吸频率(BURR)设置对一组肥胖低通气综合征(OHS)患者的通气,睡眠结构,主观睡眠质量和呼吸事件的功效的影响。方法:10例长期足月夜间NPPV治疗的OHS稳定患者,连续3个晚上接受多导睡眠图记录和经皮冠状动脉搭桥术,随机设置三种不同的BURR:自发(S)模式,低BURR和高BURR。没有修改其他呼吸机参数。结果:与自发/定时(S / T)模式相比,S模式与呼吸事件的发生显着增加有关,主要是中枢和混合起源。因此,S模式下的氧饱和度指数显着高于S / T模式下的氧饱和度指数。在连续三个夜间记录中,夜间经皮Pco_2(Ptcco_2)的结果(Ptcco_2> 50 mm Hg的平均值和花费的时间)相似。从低到高BURR(S / T)模式,觉察到的睡眠质量稍好,觉醒的次数减少。结论:在接受NPNP长期肥胖治疗的患者中,BURR由高/低BURR的S / T模式改变为S模式与呼吸事件的高度增加相关,主要来自中央和混合来源。



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