首页> 外文期刊>The British journal of psychiatry : >Changes and predictors of change in objective and subjective quality of life: multiwave follow-up study in community psychiatric practice.

Changes and predictors of change in objective and subjective quality of life: multiwave follow-up study in community psychiatric practice.


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BACKGROUND: There is little knowledge of the predictors of objective and subjective quality of life. AIMS: To describe changes at 2 and 6 years in objective and subjective quality of life in 261 individuals attending a community mental health service and to identify predictors of change in each life domain. METHOD: Prospective study of demographic, diagnostic and service utilisation characteristics, psychopathology, functioning, disability, self-esteem, affect balance and service satisfaction. RESULTS: Female gender, unmarried status, older age, less education and greater disability predicted a worsening of objective quality of life over time, but explain a small amount of variance. The variance in subjective quality of life was higher (>40%). Greater clinician-rated anxiety and depressive symptoms had a negative effect on satisfaction with health and general well-being. Psychological status, self-esteem and satisfaction with service were the most important predictors in almost all subjective domains; these variables should be important targets for treatment. CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first to provide information to enable clinicians to make prognostic judgements about quality of life and plan effective therapeutic strategies to improve quality of life.
机译:背景:对客观和主观生活质量的预测因素知之甚少。目的:描述参加社区精神卫生服务的261名个体在2年和6年的客观和主观生活质量的变化,并确定每个生活领域变化的预测因素。方法:前瞻性研究人口统计学,诊断和服务利用特征,精神病理学,功能,残疾,自尊,影响平衡和服务满意度。结果:女性,未婚,年龄较大,受教育程度较低和残疾程度较高,预示着客观生活质量会随着时间的推移而恶化,但可以解释少量差异。主观生活质量的差异较高(> 40%)。临床医生对焦虑和抑郁症状的评估对健康和总体幸福感产生负面影响。在几乎所有主观领域中,心理状态,自尊心和对服务的满意度是最重要的预测指标。这些变量应该是重要的治疗目标。结论:本研究首次提供信息,使临床医生能够对生活质量做出预后判断,并计划有效的治疗策略以改善生活质量。



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