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The humanistic psychology-positive psychology divide: Contrasts in philosophical foundations


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The relationship between the fields of humanistic and positive psychology has been marked by continued tension and ambivalence. This tension can be traced to extensive differences in the philosophical grounding characterizing the two perspectives within psychology. These differences exist with respect to (a) ontology, including the ways in which human nature is conceptualized regarding human potentials and well-being; (b) epistemology, specifically, the choice of research strategies for the empirical study of these concepts; and (c) practical philosophy, particularly the goals and strategies adopted when conducting therapy or undertaking counseling interventions. Because of this philosophical divide, adherents of the two perspectives may best be advised to pursue separately their shared desire to understand and promote human potentials and well-being.
机译:人文主义和积极心理学领域之间的关系以持续的紧张和矛盾为特征。这种紧张关系可以追溯到表征心理学中两种观点的哲学基础的广泛差异。这些差异在以下方面存在:(a)本体,包括在人类潜能和福祉方面将人性概念化的方式; (b)认识论,特别是对这些概念进行实证研究的研究策略的选择; (c)实践哲学,尤其是进行治疗或进行咨询干预时采用的目标和策略。由于这种哲学上的分歧,最好建议这两种观点的拥护者分别追求他们共同的愿望,以理解和促进人类的潜力和福祉。



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