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Music technology usage in music therapy: A survey of practice


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The purpose of this study was to determine (a) how many music therapists use music technology in their clinical work, (b) trends regarding music technology usage related to gender, age, and/or geographical location, (c) how music therapists acquire knowledge and/or training in music technology, (d) barriers to using music technology in clinical work, (e) types of music technology music therapists currently use, and (f) why music therapists do or do not use music technology in their clinical practice. Participants (N=600) completed a 27-question survey with a 95% completion rate. The return rates for participants by country were: (a) US 27%, (b) Australia 6%, (c) Canada 9%, and (d) UK 9%. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses of the data were conducted. A majority of the music therapists surveyed (71%, n=443) reported using music technology in the clinical setting. Differences in technology usage were found according to age and gender of the participants. Most of the participants reported to be self-taught (61%, n=464). Results of this study indicated that more training in music technology related to clinical practice is needed, with attention given to ways to make more technology accessible to a variety of learners. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定(a)有多少音乐治疗师在临床工作中使用音乐技术;(b)与性别,年龄和/或地理位置相关的音乐技术使用趋势;(c)音乐治疗师如何获得音乐技术方面的知识和/或培训,(d)在临床工作中使用音乐技术的障碍,(e)音乐治疗师当前使用的音乐技术类型,以及(f)音乐治疗师为何在临床中使用或不使用音乐技术实践。参与者(N = 600)完成了27个问题,调查的完成率达到95%。参与者的回国率是:(a)美国27%,(b)澳大利亚6%,(c)加拿大9%,以及(d)英国9%。对数据进行了定量和定性分析。接受调查的大多数音乐治疗师(71%,n = 443)报告在临床环境中使用音乐技术。根据参与者的年龄和性别发现技术使用上的差异。据报告,大多数参与者是自学成才的(61%,n = 464)。这项研究的结果表明,需要对与临床实践相关的音乐技术进行更多的培训,并关注使更多学习者可以使用更多技术的方法。 (C)2012 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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