首页> 外文期刊>The Arts in psychotherapy >Narrative insight into risk, vulnerability and resilience among older homeless African American women

Narrative insight into risk, vulnerability and resilience among older homeless African American women


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This paper highlights narrative method as a tool for gaining insight into the risk, vulnerability and resilience of older homeless African American women. The authors incorporated narrative method into the Telling My Story (TMS) Project, a subproject of a parent research effort designed to identify ways older homeless African American women can leave - and stay out of - homelessness. TMS sought to explore the usefulness of narrative for structuring meaningful assessment of the issues eight older African American women experienced in their struggle to leave homelessness. The authors identify sources of risk and resilience the women discuss within their narratives, and they consider how advocacy can incorporate narrative assessment for helping older African American women resolve the issues that sustain their homelessness. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Inc.
机译:本文重点介绍了叙事方法,作为一种工具,可以深入了解无家可归的老年美国妇女的风险,脆弱性和韧性。作者将叙事方法纳入了“讲述我的故事”(TMS)项目中,该项目是一项母公司研究工作的子项目,旨在确定年龄较大的无家可归的非洲裔美国妇女如何摆脱或远离无家可归者。 TMS试图探索叙述对于构造有意义的评估八位年长非洲裔美国妇女在摆脱无家可归的斗争中遇到的问题的有用性。作者确定了妇女在其叙事中讨论的风险和韧性的来源,并考虑了倡导如何将叙事评估纳入其中,以帮助年长的非洲裔美国妇女解决维持其无家可归问题。 (C)2012由Elsevier Inc.出版



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