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Music therapy techniques as predictors of change in mental health care


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The application of music in therapy is realised through different working modalities which can be categorised into three types of techniques: production, reception, and reproduction. These techniques are commonly used in mental health settings in music therapy practice and previous research suggests that specific working modalities might be important predictors of change in music therapy. However, little is known about which ingredients specifically contribute to the outcomes of music therapy. This study aimed to investigate the application of music therapy techniques and whether they predict changes in clinical outcomes in mental health settings with individuals displaying a low therapy motivation. Participants (N=31) were assessed before, during, and after participating in individual music therapy. Music therapy techniques were assessed for three selected therapy sessions per participant. Associations between music therapy techniques and outcomes were calculated using linear models with repeated measures. Results showed that reproduction techniques were used most intensely. In addition, relational competencies (interpersonal and social skills) amongst the participants improved when focusing on reproducing music (e.g. singing or playing familiar songs, learning musical skills). Results indicated that reproduction music therapy techniques may foster the development of relational competencies in individuals with low motivation.
机译:音乐在治疗中的应用是通过不同的工作方式来实现的,这些工作方式可以分为三类:生产,接收和再现。这些技术通常在音乐疗法实践中的心理健康环境中使用,并且先前的研究表明,特定的工作方式可能是音乐疗法变化的重要预测指标。但是,对于哪种成分特别有助于音乐治疗的结果知之甚少。这项研究旨在调查音乐治疗技术的应用,以及它们是否能预测心理动力低下的人在心理健康方面临床结果的变化。在参加个体音乐治疗之前,之中和之后对参与者(N = 31)进行评估。对音乐疗法技术进行了评估,每个参与者选择了三个疗程。使用重复测量的线性模型计算音乐治疗技术与结果之间的关联。结果表明,繁殖技术被最广泛地使用。另外,当专注于再现音乐(例如唱歌或演奏熟悉的歌曲,学习音乐技能)时,参与者之间的关系能力(人际交往和社交技能)得到了提高。结果表明,再生音乐治疗技术可以促进动机低下的人的关系能力的发展。



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