首页> 外文期刊>The Arts in psychotherapy >Circles outside the circle: Expanding the group frame through dance/movement therapy and art therapy

Circles outside the circle: Expanding the group frame through dance/movement therapy and art therapy


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Much has been written about basic concepts of group theory as applied to group psychotherapy. Though there are many theories, there is agreement about several basic concepts that can be found in groups regardless of the theoretical perspective. Much has also been written regarding how basic concepts of group theory can be found and applied to all kinds of groups, not just psychotherapy groups. This paper focuses on the possibilities of a group theory class in a graduate creative arts therapy program as an optimal setting in which to convey not only understanding of group theory as therapy, but also as an avenue for awareness of social justice, relating to society as a large group. The paper demonstrates the use of movement and art-making as the vehicles to understanding of group theory as it relates to therapy, social, and environmental issues, and will focus on the use of dance/movement therapy and art therapy as vehicles for increasing awareness and effecting change.



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