首页> 外文期刊>The Arts in psychotherapy >What evidence? Designing a mixed methods study to investigate music therapy with children who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD), in New Zealand contexts

What evidence? Designing a mixed methods study to investigate music therapy with children who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD), in New Zealand contexts


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Music therapists are frequently called upon to produce 'evidence' that the services they offer are 'effective'. However, a vicious cycle can exist in which efforts to develop a knowledge base that will satisfy demands for Evidence Based Practice (EBP) are hampered by limited music therapy practice, which is partially due to the lack of current evidence. In this article we discuss the dilemmas that music therapists face in designing research to meet the demands of EBP with children who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), when populations and practices are heterogeneous, and professional values are incongruent with quantitative paradigms. Our discussion is grounded in the context of exploratory research which aimed to gather information regarding the practice of music therapy with children who have ASD in New Zealand, in order to scope and design research appropriate for the New Zealand context. We use this discussion to demonstrate the value of mixed methods designs for music therapy, and introduce a specific proposal based on the findings of our exploratory research to investigate the perceived impact of music therapy to support the interpersonal communication of individuals who have ASD using a convergent parallel mixed methods design. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:经常需要音乐治疗师提供“证据”,证明他们提供的服务“有效”。但是,可能存在一个恶性循环,其中有限的音乐疗法实践阻碍了开发满足循证实践(EBP)要求的知识库的努力,这部分是由于缺乏当前证据。在本文中,我们讨论了音乐治疗师在设计研究以满足患有自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)的儿童的EBP需求时所面临的困境,当时的人群和实践是异质的,并且专业价值观与定量范式不一致。我们的讨论基于探索性研究的背景,该研究旨在收集与患有ASD的新西兰儿童进行音乐疗法的实践有关的信息,以便确定适用于新西兰背景的研究的范围和设计。我们通过这次讨论来展示混合方法设计对音乐疗法的价值,并根据我们探索性研究的结果介绍一项具体的建议,以调查音乐疗法的感知影响,以支持使用聚合算法的ASD患者的人际交流并行混合方法设计。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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