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Developing an iPad app for assessment in dance movement therapy


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Dance movement therapists face many challenges in implementing effective assessment practices, particularly a dearth of accessible assessment frameworks and functional tools that enable practitioners to collect data. Technological advances are as yet under-utilised in assessment processes. This article introduces Marking the Moves, an iPad app developed to expedite assessment of outcomes of dance movement therapy programs, and discusses pilot trials of its first applications in practice. This app is based on the Framework for Dance Movement Assessment devised by the authors for dance movement therapy programs for clients with disability, including intellectual disability, that measures progress across domains of physical, cognitive, emotional, personal and interpersonal growth. Findings of preliminary trials with therapists and peer professionals in two countries indicate favourable response to the app and its potential for use by dance movement therapists in different contexts and client groups. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:舞蹈动作治疗师在实施有效的评估实践中面临许多挑战,尤其是缺乏可访问的评估框架和功能工具,这些框架和方法无法使从业者收集数据。评估过程中尚未充分利用技术进步。本文介绍了iPad应用程序Marking the Moves,该应用程序的开发旨在加快对舞蹈运动疗法计划结果的评估,并讨论了其在实践中首次应用的试验性试验。此应用程序基于作者设计的舞蹈运动评估框架,该框架适用于包括智力残疾在内的残疾客户的舞蹈运动治疗计划,该计划测量身体,认知,情感,个人和人际交往领域的进步。在两个国家的治疗师和同行专业人士进行的初步试验结果表明,该应用程序获得了良好的反响,其在不同背景下和客户群中被舞蹈动作治疗师使用的潜力也很大。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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