首页> 外文期刊>The Arts in psychotherapy >Using bodily movement in supervision for expressive arts therapy students: A case study

Using bodily movement in supervision for expressive arts therapy students: A case study


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This qualitative study aimed to explore the experiences of six Korean expressive arts therapy students in Korea in five consecutive clinical supervision sessions integrated with visual art and body movement. Two research questions guided this study: How do Korean expressive arts therapy supervisees describe meaningful moments in supervision? What happens in Korean supervisees' bodily movements? Three types of data were gathered via a demographic questionnaire, video recording of movement, and individual interviews. Data analysis revealed three themes, each including two categories; (a) knowing through moving and sensing the body (categories: physical touch as a powerful moment, physical sensations from visual art), (b) an emerging need to be alone and together (categories: finding space between the self and others, moving boundaries), and (c) gaining insight from symbolic and artistic exploration (categories: connecting body knowledge, knowing one's need for self-care). The results of this study support the assertion that using arts media in clinical supervision facilitates students' artistic journeys, helping them to find insight, awareness, and expression. This study also underscores the importance of educators' openness to the creative process, as well as the importance of cultural components in teaching with students in Korea. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:这项定性研究旨在通过视觉艺术和身体动作相结合的连续五次临床监督会议,探索在韩国的六名韩国表现艺术治疗专业学生的经历。这项研究指导了两个研究问题:韩国表现艺术疗法的受训者如何描述有意义的监督时刻?韩国被监管人的身体动作会怎样?通过人口统计学问卷,运动的视频记录和个人访谈收集了三种类型的数据。数据分析揭示了三个主题,每个主题包括两个类别。 (a)通过移动和感知身体来了解(类别:物理触摸是一个强大的时刻,来自视觉艺术的物理感觉),(b)新兴的需求是孤独和团结(类别:在自我与他人之间寻找空间,运动界限),以及(c)从象征和艺术探索中获得见识(类别:联系身体知识,了解自己的自我保健需求)。这项研究的结果支持这样的主张,即在临床监督中使用艺术媒体可以促进学生的艺术之旅,帮助他们找到见识,认识和表达。这项研究还强调了教育者对创造过程开放的重要性,以及文化成分在与韩国学生进行教学中的重要性。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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