首页> 外文期刊>The Arts in psychotherapy >Out of our mind. Art therapy and mindfulness with refugees, political violence and trauma

Out of our mind. Art therapy and mindfulness with refugees, political violence and trauma


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Combining art therapy and mindfulness in meeting the needs of refugees and asylum seekers is a novel innovation. This paper presents the integration of these approaches, and draws on examples from a short term art therapy and mindfulness meditation studio group, named Inhabited Studio. Art therapy and mindfulness are demonstrated to complement each other, and where there are points of divergence these are indicated. Consideration is given to how these approaches can be combined to help individuals build strategies for safety, support resilience, and work with multiple levels of loss, after extreme and traumatic experiences. The article considers eleven features of the combination of art therapy and mindfulness meditation. Results of implementation of the treatment approach indicate that, when combined, mindfulness and art therapy address different aspects of the individual experience, and social context, through engagement in processing. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:将艺术疗法与正念相结合以满足难民和寻求庇护者的需求是一项新颖的创新。本文介绍了这些方法的集成,并借鉴了一个名为Inhabited Studio的短期艺术疗法和正念冥想工作室小组的示例。事实证明,艺术疗法和正念是相辅相成的,并且在存在分歧的地方也要指出。考虑了在极端和创伤性经历之后,如何将这些方法结合起来以帮助个人制定安全策略,支持韧性并承担多个损失级别。本文考虑了艺术疗法与正念冥想相结合的十一个特征。该治疗方法的实施结果表明,正念疗法和艺术疗法相结合,可以通过参与加工来解决个人经历和社会背景的不同方面。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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