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A narrative inquiry into a mother-child art therapy experience: A self-exploration of the therapist and the mother


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The experiences of a mother and her 10-year-old son who experienced a strained relationship were explored through art therapy. The experiences of the parent, her child, and the researcher within art therapy were documented as artworks, interviews, on-site memos, and a verbatim account of the process with interpretation focusing on their social meaning. Over the course of the therapy, the mother realized that she not only physically punished her child unwittingly but also found child-rearing to be difficult, experiencing guilt and anxiety. She could better understand her inner self, her thoughts and her experiences, through art therapy. The child described the mother as scary. The child described wanting to be alone because the mother seemed unable to attempt to understand the child's world. In later sessions, the mother realized that she might benefit from accepting her child as he was rather than changing him. Finally, through self-exploration, the mother realized that that her efforts to understand her child could influence his growth. The art therapy program involved the following aspects: First, the art therapy used a form of expression for exploring feelings. Second, art therapy helped resolve suppressed inner conflicts, providing a form of self-understanding to the client. Third, the fear of exposing oneself was reduced by the process of drawing. Fourth, self-reflection occurred through art engagement. Finally, the researcher explored the participants' experiences through deep self-reflection, which enabled her to provide the participants with opportunities to understand their life experiences in a more integrated way. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:通过艺术疗法探索了一位母亲和她的10岁儿子经历过紧张关系的经历。父母,孩子和研究人员在艺术疗法方面的经验被记录为艺术品,访谈,现场备忘,以及对该过程的逐字记录,其解释着重于其社会意义。在治疗过程中,母亲意识到她不仅不知不觉地对孩子进行了身体上的惩罚,而且发现抚养孩子很困难,感到内,和焦虑。通过艺术疗法,她可以更好地了解自己的内在自我,思想和经验。孩子形容母亲很害怕。孩子描述要独处,因为母亲似乎无法尝试了解孩子的世界。在以后的课程中,母亲意识到她可能会因为接受孩子而不是改变孩子而受益。最后,通过自我探索,母亲意识到自己了解孩子的努力可能会影响孩子的成长。艺术疗法计划涉及以下几个方面:首先,艺术疗法使用一种表达形式来探索感觉。其次,艺术疗法有助于解决内心的冲突,为服务对象提供一种自我理解的方式。第三,绘画过程减轻了人们暴露自己的恐惧。第四,通过艺术参与产生自我反思。最后,研究者通过深刻的自我反思来探索参与者的经历,这使她能够为参与者提供以更全面的方式理解他们的生活经历的机会。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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