首页> 外文期刊>The American mineralogist >A new type of high-pressure low-flow metering valve for continuous decompression: First experimental results on degassing of rhyodacitic melts

A new type of high-pressure low-flow metering valve for continuous decompression: First experimental results on degassing of rhyodacitic melts


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A novel type of high-pressure low-flow metering valve has been designed for experiments at continuous decompression in internally heated pressure vessels (IHPV) at pressures up to 500 MPa and temperatures up to 1500 °C. It consists of a modified high-pressure valve coupled with a piezoelectric nanopositioning system. The piezoelectric actuator (1) positions the needle of the valve statically with very high precision on a nanometer scale for infinitesimally slow decompression and, alternatively, (2) opens and closes the valve completely, within milliseconds, to achieve a fast pressure drop only limited by the diameter of the high-pressure tubing and the entire volume of the autoclave system. The valve connected to an IHPV has been successfully tested to simulate continuous decompression of volatile-bearing magma. Water saturated rhyodacitic melt was synthesized at 1050 °C and 300 MPa and subsequently decompressed to 50 MPa at an integrated decompression rate of 0.28 MPa/s using continuous decompression as well as single-step and multi-step decompression techniques. The experimental results of the three methods show significant differences, having important implications for the interpretation of textures observed in natural volcanic rocks. Bubble number density (BND) values increase from continuous to multi-step and to single-step decompression by two orders of magnitude. Bubble size distribution (BSD) also differs significantly. The BSD curve of the single-step decompression shows largest variation both in size and in population number density, whereas the BSD trend for the sample of multi-step decompression shows the smallest variation between size and population density of bubbles. The BSD of the continuously decompressed sample indicates similar proportions of bubbles with different size. Channel formation in the sample of single-step decompression may indicate fluid escape from over-pressurized bubbles through the melt. Single-step and continuous decompression style represent two extreme cases of magma degassing in which bubble nucleation and bubble growth are predominant processes, respectively, whereas multi-step decompression resembles the intermediate case.
机译:设计了一种新型的高压低流量计量阀,用于在内部加热的压力容器(IHPV)中在压力高达500 MPa和温度高达1500°C的条件下进行连续减压的实验。它由改进的高压阀和压电纳米定位系统组成。压电致动器(1)以非常高的精度将阀针静态固定在纳米级上,以实现无限缓慢的减压,或者(2)在几毫秒内完全打开和关闭阀,以实现快速的压降,但仅限于由高压管的直径和高压灭菌器系统的总体积决定。已成功测试了与IHPV连接的阀门,以模拟含挥发岩浆的连续减压。在1050°C和300 MPa的压力下合成了水饱和的流纹晶熔体,然后使用连续减压以及单步和多步减压技术以0.28 MPa / s的综合减压速率将其减压至50 MPa。三种方法的实验结果显示出显着差异,这对解释天然火山岩中的纹理具有重要意义。气泡数密度(BND)值从连续减压到多级减压到单级减压增加了两个数量级。气泡尺寸分布(BSD)也明显不同。单步减压的BSD曲线在大小和总体数密度上都显示出最大的变化,而多步减压的BSD趋势在气泡的大小和总体密度上显示出最小的变化。连续减压样品的BSD表示不同大小的气泡比例相似。单步减压样品中的通道形成可能表明流体从过压的气泡中逸出,穿过熔体。单步和连续减压方式代表了岩浆脱气的两种极端情况,其中气泡成核和气泡生长分别是主要过程,而多步减压类似于中间情况。



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