
3-D flexural modelling of the Silurian Baltic Basin


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The Baltic Basin (BB) is situated on the western pail of the East European Craton (EEC). It was established initially as a passive margin basin in response to the breaking apart of the Rodinia megacontinent during the Latest Precambrian-Early Cambrian times. Thereafter, it has been suggested that the Late Ordovician - Silurian basin subsidence was generated by foreland bending of the western margin of the EEC as a result of the Caledonian convergence and collision of continental plates, namely Baltica, Laurentia, and Eastern Avalonia. This is based on the regional basin architecture, which indicates accelerating subsidence, rapid deepening of the basin, and significant thickening of the sedimentary succession towards the Tomquist-Teisseyre Zone (TTZ), along the southwestern margin of the EEC, during the Silurian. However, the very broad extent of the Silurian BB is not obviously explicable by a model of simple Foreland flexure. This problem has been investigated by quantitative modelling of Caledonian Foreland flexure, east of the TTZ, using a 3-D finite difference technique. The results are interpreted in terms of their implications for the theology of the EEC and the geometry and temporal evolution of Caledonian orogenic loading. Assuming higher values of effective elastic thickness (EET) for the EEC than for Caledonian lithosphere, the model results demonstrate that the evolution of the BB cannot be explained by the effects of orogenic loads lying only on the west of the present Caledonian Deformation Front (CDF). Furthermore, the inferred shape of the BB deflection is not easily reproduced, even allowing lateral changes of EEC lithosphere EET. Rather, additional loads cast of the CDF (and TTZ) were necessary, in order to replicate the shape and amplitude of the BB as a flexural basin. These are tentatively interpreted to be dynamic loads related to mantle flow above an eastward dipping Silurian subduction zone. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. [References: 63]
机译:波罗的海盆地(BB)位于东欧克拉通(EEC)的西桶。它最初是作为被动边缘边缘盆地建立的,以响应最近寒武纪-早寒武纪时期Rodinia巨型大陆的分裂。此后,有人认为,晚奥陶纪-志留纪盆地的沉降是由于加里东尼亚的汇聚和大陆板块(例如波罗的海,劳伦蒂亚和东阿瓦罗尼亚)的碰撞导致的欧共体西缘的前陆弯曲而产生的。这是基于区域盆地构造的,该构造表明在志留纪期间,沿EEC西南边缘的Tomquist-Teisseyre区(TTZ)的沉积沉降加速,盆地快速加深,并且沉积层序显着增厚。但是,通过简单的前陆弯曲模型显然无法解释志留纪BB的范围很广。使用3-D有限差分技术,通过对TTZ以东的Caledonian前陆弯曲进行定量建模,研究了该问题。根据对欧洲经济共同体的神学以及加里东造山带的几何形状和时间演变的意义来解释这些结果。假设EEC的有效弹性厚度(EET)值比加里东岩石圈高,则模型结果表明,BB的演化不能由仅位于当前加里东变形锋(CDF)西部的造山载荷的影响来解释。 )。此外,即使允许EEC岩石圈EET的横向变化,也不容易再现BB偏转的推断形状。相反,CDF(和TTZ)需要额外施加载荷,以复制BB作为挠性盆的形状和幅度。暂时将其解释为与东倾的志留纪俯冲带上方地幔流有关的动载荷。 (C)2002由Elsevier Science B.V.发行[参考:63]



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