首页> 外文期刊>Tectonophysics: International Journal of Geotectonics and the Geology and Physics of the Interior of the Earth >Deformation history of the southwestern Taiwan foreland thrust belt: insights from tectono-sedimentary analyses and balanced cross-sections

Deformation history of the southwestern Taiwan foreland thrust belt: insights from tectono-sedimentary analyses and balanced cross-sections


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Analysis of the basin-scale and local deformation history and estimates of shortening rates are performed in the southwestern foreland thrust belt of the Plio-Pleistocene Taiwan orogen, Timing of deformational events is constrained using both syntectonic unconformities and other markers of syndepositional tectonic activity, Three cross-sections are investigated and balanced. Intermediate shortening rates are estimated based on balanced and restored cross-sections. The total amount of shortening along studied balanced sections results from superimposed thin-skinned and thick-skinned styles. A shallow aseismic thick decollement is located to depth of 6-8 km at the base of thick Late Miocene shales that behaves as ductile layer. The occurrence of a deep seismic decollement to depth of 12-15 km is confirmed by seismicity, fault plane solutions of focal mechanisms and a seismic reflection profile providing evidence of reactivated and inverted inherited extensional features beneath the Coastal Plain. Three major tectonic stages are recognized within the southwestern Foothills, which are correlated with local thrusting events. The first stage begins at 5 Ma with the onset of the Taiwan collision and ends at 2-1.6 Ma. It reflects an initial submarine accretionary stage associated with moderate tectonic activity. The second major stage occurs during Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene. This "intermediate" collision stage sealed the evolution of the southern foreland thrust wedge from submarine to continental environment in relation with exhumation and denudation of the Central Range. The last stage of deformation begins in the Middle Pleistocene and continues until present. It is associated with high rates of sedimentation and most of the thrusts are activated or reactivated at that time and out-of-sequence thrusting occurs. The collision started synchronously near 5 Ma throughout the southwestern Taiwan. Total and intermediate shortening rates are more or less constant through time in studied sections: that may suggest that long-term deformation in the Taiwan foreland thrust belt occurred more or less at steady-state. Since 5 Ma, the southward decrease of rates of shortening from 3.6 to 4.8 mm/year in northern sections to 2.2 mm/year in southern section might be related to both influence of indentation by the Peikang High to the north and southward transition, at the scale of the southwestern Foothills, from collision to subduction setting; the effect of the obliquity of the convergence resulting in regional southward migration of the collision cannot be definitely inferred from this analysis. Our results place new kinematic and time constraints, which must be taken into account in forthcoming geodynamic models of the Taiwan collision, (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 66]
机译:在上新世台湾造山带的西南前陆逆冲带上进行了盆地规模和局部变形历史的分析,并估算了缩短的速度,利用构造上的不整合面和构造上的构造活动的其他标志来限制变形事件的发生时间,三个对横截面进行研究并保持平衡。根据平衡和恢复的横截面估算中间缩短率。沿研究的平衡截面缩短的总量是由薄皮和厚皮样式叠加而成的。浅抗震厚层理断层位于中新世厚页岩底部,具有延展性,其深度为6-8 km。地震活动性,震源机制的断层平面解和地震反射剖面证实了深度地震分度到12-15 km深度的发生,提供了沿海平原以下重新活化和反转的继承伸展特征的证据。在西南山麓丘陵地区认识到三个主要的构造阶段,这与局部逆冲事件有关。第一阶段始于台湾撞车事件发生的5 Ma,结束于2-1.6 Ma。它反映了与中等构造活动有关的海底初始增生阶段。第二个主要阶段发生在上新世晚期-早更新世。这个“中间”碰撞阶段密封了南部前陆逆冲楔从海底到大陆环境与中央山脉的挖掘和剥蚀有关的演化。变形的最后阶段始于中更新世,一直持续到现在。它与高沉积速率有关,并且大多数推力在那时被激活或重新激活,并且发生了乱序推力。整个台湾西南部5 Ma附近的碰撞同步开始。在研究期间中,总的和中间的缩短速度在一定程度上是恒定的:这可能表明台湾前陆逆冲带的长期变形或多或少在稳态下发生。自5 Ma以来,北段向北从3.6mm /年缩短到4.8mm /年,南段向2.2mm /年缩短的速率向南下降可能与北高北向北过渡和南向过渡的影响有关。西南丘陵的规模,从碰撞到俯冲背景;从该分析中不能明确地推断出收敛的倾角对碰撞区域向南迁移的影响。我们的研究结果提出了新的运动学和时间约束,在即将到来的台湾碰撞地球动力学模型中必须考虑这些约束,(C)2001 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。 [参考:66]



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