
The examples of earthquake preparation in Kamchatka and Japan


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A recently proposed predictive parameter RTL was tested using seismological catalogues of Kamchatka and Japan. We analysed three earthquakes in Kamchatka with M > 7 and disastrous Hyogo-ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake in Japan with M = 7.2. It was found that a seismic quiescence had taken place during a period of three years before these earthquakes and been followed by foreshock activation. The dimensions of the quiescence areas reached the first hundreds of kilometers, whereas the epicenters of strong events were located on the edge of quiescence anomalies. The areas of foreshock activation were about 50-100 kin, and strong events occurred in the region of maximum anomalies. The number of clusters increased comparatively to the background events during the stages of foreshock activation in epicenter areas of strong earthquakes. The results strengthen the physical basis of earthquake prediction. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 17]
机译:使用堪察加半岛和日本的地震目录对最近提出的预测参数RTL进行了测试。我们分析了M> 7的堪察加半岛的三场地震和M = 7.2的日本灾难性的兵库县南部(神户)地震。发现在地震发生之前的三年中,地震已经静止,随后发生前震。静态区域的大小达到了最初的数百公里,而强事件的震中位于静态异常的边缘。前震激活区域约为50-100 kin,在最大异常区域发生了强烈事件。在强震震中地区前震激活阶段,簇的数量与背景事件相比有所增加。研究结果为地震预报提供了物理基础。 (C)2001 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。 [参考:17]



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