首页> 外文期刊>Tectonophysics: International Journal of Geotectonics and the Geology and Physics of the Interior of the Earth >Variations of seismic velocities in the Kachchh rift zone, Gujarat, India, during 2001-2013

Variations of seismic velocities in the Kachchh rift zone, Gujarat, India, during 2001-2013


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We herein study variations of seismic velocities in the main rupture zone (MRZ) of the Mw 7.7 2001 Bhuj earthquake for the time periods [2001-05, 2006-08, 2009-10 and 2011-13], by constructing dVp(%), dVs(%) and d(Vp/Vs)(%) tomograms using high-quality arrival times of 28,902 P- and 28,696 S-waves from 4644 precise JHD (joint hypocentral determination) relocations of local events. Differential tomograms for 2001-05 reveal a marked decrease in seismic velocities (low dVp, low dVs and high d(Vp/Vs)) in the MRZ (at 5-35 km depths) during 2001-10, which is attributed to an increase in crack/fracture density (higher pore fluid pressure) resulted from the intense fracturing that occurred during the mainshock and post-seismic periods. While we observe a slight recovery or increase in seismic velocities 2011-13, this could be related to the healing process (lower pore fluid pressure due to sealing of cracks) of the causative fault zone of the 2001 Bhuj mainshock. The temporal reduction in seismic velocities is observed to be higher at deeper levels (more fluid enrichment under near-lithostatic pressure) than that at shallower levels. Fluid source for low velocity zone (LVZ) at 0-10 km depths (with high d(Vp/Vs)) could be attributed to the presence of meteoric water or soft alluvium sediments with higher water content, while fluid source for LVZ at 10-35 km depths could be due to the presence of brine fluids (released from the metamorphic dewatering) and volatile CO2 (emanating from the crystallization of carbonatite melts in the asthenosphere), in fractures and pores. We also imaged two prominent LVZs associated with the Katrol Hill fault zone and Island Belt fault zone, extending from shallow upper-crust to sub-crustal depth, which might be facilitating the deeper circulation of metamorphic fluids/volatile CO2, thereby, the generation of lower crustal earthquakes occurring in the Kachchh rift zone. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:通过构建dVp(%),我们在此研究时段[2001-05、2006-08、2009-10和2011-13]期间1977年普吉兆瓦级地震主要破裂带(MRZ)的地震速度变化。 ,dVs(%)和d(Vp / Vs)(%)的X线断层图,使用了来自4644个精确JHD(联合震中确定)重定位的28,902个P波和28,696个S波的高质量到达时间。 2001-05年的层析X射线断层图显示2001-10年MRZ(5-35 km深度)地震速度(dVp低,dVs低和d(Vp / Vs)高)显着下降,这是由于增加了裂缝/裂缝密度(较高的孔隙流体压力)的产生是由于在主震和地震后时期发生了强烈的裂缝。尽管我们观察到2011-13年地震速度略有恢复或上升,但这可能与2001年布杰主震致病性断裂带的愈合过程(由于裂缝的封闭导致孔隙流体压力降低)有关。在较深的水平(在接近静水压力下,更多的流体富集)观察到地震速度的瞬时降低要比在较浅的水平上更高。深度为0-10 km(d(Vp / Vs)高)的低速带(LVZ)的流体源可归因于陨石水或含水量较高的软冲积沉积物的存在,而LVZ的流体源为10 -35 km的深度可能是由于裂缝和孔隙中存在盐水(从变质脱水释放而来)和挥发性CO2(源于软流圈中碳酸盐熔岩的结晶)所致。我们还对与卡特罗山断裂带和岛屿带断裂带相关的两个突出的低压带成像,从浅层上地壳延伸至亚壳深,这可能有助于变质流体/挥发性CO2的更深循环,从而产生了卡契裂谷地区发生的低地壳地震。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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