首页> 外文期刊>Chemoecology: An International Journal Emphasizing Evolutionary Approaches to Chemical Ecology >Shunning the night to elude the hunter: diurnal fireflies and the 'femmes fatales'

Shunning the night to elude the hunter: diurnal fireflies and the 'femmes fatales'


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Lucidota atra, a diurnal firefly, shares possession of defensive steroids (lucibufagins or LBGs) with nocturnal fireflies of the genus Photinus. Photinus are protected against predators by their LBGs, but not against fireflies of the genus Photuris, the so-called firefly femmes fatales, which prey upon Photinus, thereby acquiring LBGs for their own defense. We propose that L. atra may have been prompted evolutionarily to become diurnal by the opportunity to avoid, thereby, being hunted by Photuris. Indeed, L. atra, if offered to Photuris, were eagerly devoured by the latter, which sequestered their LBG's. In feeding on L. atra, Photuris may be driven by a gustatory affinity for LBGs. Persistent nocturnality might therefore have put L. atra at risk vis a vis Photuris. Diurnality freed the firefly from that risk, without compromising its defended status with respect to other predators. Possession of LBGs may in fact account for L. atra's unacceptability to birds and spiders.
机译:日夜萤火虫Lucidota atra与夜间萤火虫属萤火虫共享防御性类固醇(lucibufagins或LBGs)。 Photinus的LBG可以保护它们免受掠食者的攻击,但不能抵御Photuris属的萤火虫(所谓的萤火虫fat蝇),它们捕食Photinus,从而获得LBG来进行自身防御。我们建议通过避免的机会,进化地促使L. atra成为昼夜,从而被Photuris猎杀。的确,L。atra(如果提供给Photuris)会被后者吞噬,后者隔离了他们的LBG。在饲喂L. atra时,Photuris可能受对LBGs的味觉亲和力驱动。因此,持久的夜行性可能使L. atra相对于Photuris处于危险之中。昼夜节律使萤火虫摆脱了这种危险,而没有损害其相对于其他掠食者的防御地位。 LBG的拥有实际上可能是L. atra对鸟类和蜘蛛不可接受的原因。



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