首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Zoology >Hormonal manipulations of growth rate and its influence on predator avoidance - foraging trade-offs

Hormonal manipulations of growth rate and its influence on predator avoidance - foraging trade-offs


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Theoretical investigations into the impact that predators exert on prey species suggest that two parameters, growth rate and mortality rate, should be the most influential in determining when animals should risk exposure to a predator in order to achieve higher feeding rates. While these two parameters have usually been assumed to be environmentally determined, we used thyroid hormone (3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine (T-3)) to manipulate growth rates and examine the behavioural consequences associated with these manipulations. In two experiments, we examined how the growth rate of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) is affected by treatment with T-3, and used the results from this experiment to make a priori predictions about their relative willingness to risk exposure to a predator in order to receive increased feeding rates. The first experiment demonstrated that T-3 significantly reduced the growth rates of fathead minnows compared with an unmanipulated control. When groups were compared in their relative willingness to risk exposure to a predator, manipulated growth rates in the first experiment were an accurate predictor of behaviour; groups with relatively high growth rates were more willing to risk exposure to a predator. These results are consistent with the theoretical expectation that growth rates should be an important factor determining decisions that involve trade-offs. [References: 38]
机译:对捕食者对猎物物种造成的影响的理论研究表明,在确定动物何时应冒险接触捕食者以获得更高的摄食率时,增长率和死亡率这两个参数应该是最有影响力的。尽管通常假定这两个参数是环境确定的,但我们使用甲状腺激素(3,3',5-三碘-L-甲状腺素(T-3))来控制生长速率并检查与这些操作相关的行为后果。在两个实验中,我们检查了T-3处理对黑头min鱼(Pimephales promelas)的生长速度有何影响,并使用该实验的结果对它们相对愿意暴露于捕食者的风险的意愿进行了先验预测。获得更高的喂食率。第一个实验表明,与未处理的对照相比,T-3大大降低了黑头min鱼的生长速度。当比较各组暴露于捕食者的风险的相对意愿时,在第一个实验中受控的生长速率是行为的准确预测指标。增长率相对较高的群体更愿意冒险接触捕食者。这些结果与理论上的预期一致,即增长率应该是决定涉及折衷的决定的重要因素。 [参考:38]



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