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Evidence-based patient safety advisory for ambulatory surgery.


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In 2009, citizens of the world have lifted a bona fide hero as well as scores of grieving mourners upon our collective shoulders after aviation accidents. In January, Chesley B. Sullenberger Ill's training and "habits" took over as he successfully landed USAirways Flight 1549 in New York City's Hudson River. The landing was dubbed a "miracle" and "Sully" Sullenberger was instantly made into a national symbol of heroism; all 155 passengers and crew were alive and safe.2 But this "miracle" has twice since been echoed with tragedy: February's crash of Continental Connection Flight 3407 caused the death of 50 people near Buffalo, New York, and June's crash of Air France Flight 447 into the Atlantic Ocean claimed the lives of 228 people. To reiterate what Britain's chief medical officer said, there is always a chance something catastrophic can happen, in surgery and aviation alike. Granted it is a "rare occurrence." Nevertheless, we must take all precautions possible to ensure safety, learn from both the miracles and the tragedies, and aim to make those rare occurrences even more rare. Just as airline passengers entrust their safety, their very lives, to those in the cockpit, with every procedure patients entrust their safety to their surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nurses.
机译:2009年,在航空事故发生后,全世界的公民在我们的集体肩膀上举起了一个真诚的英雄和哀悼的哀悼者。一月份,Chesley B. Sullenberger Ill的训练和“习性”接管了他成功在纽约市哈德逊河降落的USAirways 1549航班的工作。登陆被称为“奇迹”,而“苏利”·苏伦伯格则立即成为民族英雄主义的象征。所有155名乘客和机组人员都还活着并且安全。2但是,这个“奇迹”自那次悲剧起就得到了回响:2月的美国大陆联运3407航班坠毁导致纽约布法罗附近50人死亡,6月的法航飞行坠毁447人进入大西洋夺去了228人的生命。重申英国首席医疗官所说的话,在外科手术和航空领域,总有可能发生灾难性事件。当然,这是一次“罕见的事件”。尽管如此,我们必须采取一切可能的预防措施以确保安全,从奇迹和悲剧中吸取教训,力求使那些罕见的事件更加罕见。就像航空旅客将自己的生命,生命的安全托付给驾驶舱人员一样,每一个程序中,病人的安全都交给外科医生,麻醉师和护士。



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