首页> 外文期刊>Peritoneal dialysis international: Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis >A rare cause of peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis: Gemella haemolysans.

A rare cause of peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis: Gemella haemolysans.


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Gemellahaemolysanss a facultative, anaerobic, gram-positive coccus that is a commensal micro-organism of the mucous membranes of humans (1). We report the first case of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)-related peritonitis due to Gemelta haemotysans. A 61-year-old man who had been receiving CAPD therapy for approximately 1.5 years because of end-stage renal disease due to diabetes mellitus presented with a classic clinic of peritonitis. No finding of inflammation was observed on either the exit site or the tunnel of the CAPD catheter. White blood cell count (WBC) in perito-nealeffluentwasl400/mm3, with neutrophils predominating. Gram stain of the peritonealfluid showed a small amount gram-positive cocci. The patient was started on antibiotic treatment with cephazolin 2 g per day intra-peritoneally. The peritoneal effluent cultures grew Gemella haemolysans. Hemoculture did not grow any micro-organism. He healed rapidly and his dialysate WBC decreased to 50/mm3. Cephazolin 2 g per day intraperi-toneally was continued for 21 days. The Tenckhoff catheter was not removed. During the 2 months following the therapy, peritonitis did not recur.
机译:Gemellahaemolysans是一种兼性,厌氧,革兰氏阳性的球菌,是人类黏膜的常见微生物(1)。我们报告由于Gemelta haemotysans引起的第一例连续性非卧床腹膜透析(CAPD)相关性腹膜炎。一名因糖尿病导致的终末期肾脏疾病而接受CAPD治疗约1.5年的61岁男子,出现了经典的腹膜炎诊所。在CAPD导管的出口或隧道中均未发现炎症。腹膜nealflufentwasl400 / mm3中的白细胞计数(WBC),以中性粒细胞为主。腹膜液的革兰氏染色显示少量革兰氏阳性球菌。患者开始腹膜内每天口服头孢唑啉2 g进行抗生素治疗。腹膜流出物培养物中有溶血双歧杆菌。血液培养没有任何微生物的生长。他迅速康复,透析液白细胞减少到50 / mm3。每天腹膜内口服头孢唑啉2 g,持续21天。 Tenckhoff导管未拆除。在治疗后的2个月内,腹膜炎未复发。



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