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Ureteral endometriosis: Proposal for a diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm with a review of the literature


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Introduction: The ureteral involvement in deep pelvic endometriosis in usually asymptomatic and might lead to a silent loss of renal function. As a matter of fact, the diagnosis and the treatment modalities are still a matter of debate. Materials and Methods: We performed a literature review by searching the MEDLINE database for articles published in English between 1996 and 2010, using the key words urinary tract endometriosis, ureteral endometriosis, diagnosis and treatment. We found more than 200 cases of ureteral endometriosis (UE). Results: The disease most commonly affects a single distal segment of the ureter, with a left predisposition in most of the patients. Two major pathological types of UE may be distinguished: intrinsic and extrinsic. The symptoms are usually nonspecific and owing to secondary obstruction. The diagnosis has to be considered as a step- by-step procedure, starting from physical examination to highly detailed imaging methods. Nowadays, the treatment is usually chosen according to the type of UE, the site lesion and the distance to the ureteral orifice, with the use of JJ stents remaining a matter of debate. Conclusions: A close collaboration between the gynecologist and the urologist is advisable, especially in referral centers. Surgical treatment can lead to good results in terms of both patient compliance and prognosis.
机译:简介:输尿管受累于通常无症状的深盆腔子宫内膜异位,可能会导致肾脏功能无声丧失。实际上,诊断和治疗方式仍是一个有争议的问题。材料和方法:我们通过检索MEDLINE数据库以检索1996年至2010年之间英语发表的文章,进行了文献综述,关键词为尿路子宫内膜异位,输尿管子宫内膜异位,诊断和治疗。我们发现了200多例输尿管子宫内膜异位症(UE)。结果:该病最常影响输尿管的单个远端,大多数患者的左性倾向。 UE的两种主要病理类型可以被区分:内在的和外在的。症状通常是非特异性的,是由于继发性阻塞所致。从物理检查到高度详细的成像方法,诊断必须被视为循序渐进的过程。如今,通常根据UE的类型,部位病变和距输尿管口的距离来选择治疗方法,而JJ支架的使用尚有争议。结论:妇科医师和泌尿科医师之间的密切合作是可取的,特别是在转诊中心。手术治疗可以在患者依从性和预后方面带来良好的效果。



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