首页> 外文期刊>Quaternary Science Reviews: The International Multidisciplinary Review Journal >Radiocarbon chronology of the late-glacial Puerto Bandera moraines, Southern Patagonian Icefield, Argentina

Radiocarbon chronology of the late-glacial Puerto Bandera moraines, Southern Patagonian Icefield, Argentina


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We report radiocarbon dates that constrain the timing of the deposition of the late-glacial Puerto Bandera moraine system alongside the western reaches of Lago Argentino adjacent to the Southern Patagonian Icefield. Close maximum-limiting radiocarbon ages (n = 11) for glacier advance into the outer moraines, with a mean value of 11,100 ± 60 ~(14)C yrs BP (12,990 ± 80 cal yrs BP), were obtained from wood in deformation (soft) till exposed beneath flow and lodgment till in Bahía del Quemado on the northeast side of Brazo Norte (North Branch) of western Lago Argentino. Other exposures of this basal deformation till in Bahía del Quemado reveal incorporated clasts of peat, along with larger inclusions of deformed glaciofluvial and lacustrine deposits. Radiocarbon dates of wood included in these reworked peat clasts range from 11,450 ± 45 ~(14)C yrs BP to 13,450 ± 150 ~(14)C yrs BP (13,315 ± 60 to 16,440 ± 340 cal yrs BP). The implication is that, during this interval, glacier fronts were situated inboard of the Puerto Bandera moraines, with the peat clasts and larger proglacial deposits being eroded and then included in the basal till during the Puerto Bandera advance. Minimum-limiting radiocarbon ages for ice retreat come from basal peat in cores sampled in spillways and depressions generated during abandonment of the Puerto Bandera moraines. Glacier recession and subsequent plant colonization were initiated close behind different frontal sectors of these moraines prior to: 10,750 ± 75 ~(14)C yrs BP (12,660 ± 70 cal yrs BP) east of Brazo Rico, 10,550 ± 55 ~(14)C yrs BP (12,490 ± 80 cal yrs BP) in Peninsula Avellaneda, and 10,400 ± 50 ~(14)C yrs BP (12,280 ± 110 cal yrs BP) in Bahía Catalana. In addition, a radiocarbon date indicates that by 10,350 ± 45 ~(14)C yrs BP (12,220 ± 110 cal yrs BP), the Brazo Norte lobe (or former Upsala Glacier) had receded well up the northern branch of Lago Argentino, to a position behind the Herminita moraines. Furthermore, glacier termini had receded to just outboard of the outer Holocene moraines at Lago Frías and Lago Pearson (Anita) prior to 10,400 ± 40 ~(14)C yrs BP (12,270 ± 100 cal yrs BP) and 9040 ± 45 ~(14)C yrs BP (10,210 ± 50 cal yrs BP), respectively. The most extensive recession registered during the early Holocene was in Agassiz Este Valley, where the Upsala Glacier had pulled back behind the outer Holocene moraine, reaching close to the present-day glacier terminus before 8290 ± 40 ~(14)C yrs BP (9300 ± 80 cal yrs BP).The radiocarbon-dated fluctuations of the Lago Argentino glacier in late-glacial time, given here, are in accord with changes in ocean mixed layer properties, predominately temperature, derived from the isotopic record given here of ODP Core 1233, taken a short distance off shore of the Chilean Lake District. It also matches recently published chronologies of late-glacial moraines in the Southern Alps of New Zealand on the opposite side of the Pacific Ocean from Lago Argentino. Finally, the timing of the late-glacial reversal of the Lago Argentino glacier fits the most recent chronology for the culmination of the Antarctic Cold Reversal (ACR) in the deuterium record of the EPICA Dome C ice core from high on the East Antarctic Plateau. Therefore, we conclude that the climate signature of the ACR was widespread in both the ocean and the atmosphere over at least the southern quarter of the globe.
机译:我们报告了放射性碳日期,该日期限制了晚冰川波多黎各班德拉冰ora系统与毗邻南部巴塔哥尼亚冰原的拉各·阿根廷西部河段一起沉积的时间。从变形的木材中获得了冰川进入外into的接近最大极限放射性碳年龄(n = 11),平均值为11,100±60〜(14)C yrs BP(12,990±80 cal yrs BP)(直到暴露在流动和堆积之下,直到拉各阿根廷西部西部Brazo Norte(北分支)东北侧的Bahíadel Quemado。直到巴伊亚德克马多(Bahíadel Quemado)为止,这种基底变形的其他暴露都揭示了泥炭的结合碎片,以及变形的冰川河流相和湖相沉积物的较大包裹体。这些经过重做的泥炭碎屑中所含木材的放射性碳素年限为11,450±45〜(14)C yrs BP至13,450±150〜(14)C yrs BP(13,315±60至16,440±340 cal yr BP)。这意味着在这段时间内,冰川锋面位于波多黎各班德拉莫拉尼山脉的内侧,泥炭碎屑和较大的冰川沉积物被侵蚀,然后被包括在基岩中,直到波多黎各班德拉的前进。退冰的最小极限放射性碳年龄来自取自溢洪道的岩心中的基层泥炭,以及在放弃波多黎各班德拉峰谷期间产生的凹陷。冰川衰退和随后的植物定植是在以下这些芒的不同额叶扇叶之后开始的:Brazo Rico以东10,750±75〜(14)C yrs BP(12,660±70 cal yrs BP),10,550±55〜(14)C半岛阿韦拉内达的yrs BP(12,490±80 cal yrs BP)和巴伊亚加泰罗尼亚的10,400±50〜(14)C yrs BP(12,280±110 cal yrs BP)。此外,放射性碳的年代表明,到10,350±45〜(14)C yrs BP(12,220±110 cal yrs BP)时,Brazo Norte垂叶(或前Upsala冰川)已经从Lago Argentino的北部分支向后退。在Herminita演员后面的位置。此外,在10,400±40〜(14)C yrs BP(12,270±100 cal yrs BP)和9040±45〜(14)之前,冰川终点已经退回到LagoFrías和Lago Pearson(Anita)的全新世外部的外侧。 C yrs BP(10,210±50 cal yrs BP)。全新世早期记录的最广泛的衰退是在Agassiz Este谷,那里的Upsala冰川向后撤出了全新世冰ine,在8290±40〜(14)C yrs BP(9300 BP)之前接近今天的冰川终点。这里给出的Lago Argentino冰川晚冰期的放射性碳日期波动与海洋混合层特性的变化一致,主要是温度,这是根据ODP核心给出的同位素记录得出的(±80 cal yrs BP)。 1233年,离智利湖区不远。它也与最近发表的新西兰南阿尔卑斯山晚冰河纪年表相吻合,位于太平洋对面的太平洋对岸。最后,Lago Argentino冰川晚冰川逆转的时间与南极东部高原上段EPICA Dome C冰芯的氘记录中的南极冷逆转(ACR)达到最高点的时间相吻合。因此,我们得出的结论是,ACR的气候特征至少在地球的南半部广泛分布于海洋和大气中。



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