首页> 外文期刊>Quaternary Research: An Interdisciplinary Journal >The Yangtze River deposition in southern Yellow Sea during Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 and its implications for sea-level changes

The Yangtze River deposition in southern Yellow Sea during Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 and its implications for sea-level changes


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The depositional history of the lower Yangtze River and sea-level changes during Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 was established using three long drill cores from the northern Yangtze deltaic plain and southern Yellow Sea by using sedimentary analysis and AMS C-14 dates. Voluminous channel deposits of the lower Yangtze River in MIS 3 were found from the northern deltaic plain and offshore area, with a thickness of over 30 m. The thick channel deposits are characterized by massive medium-to-fine sand deposits with sporadic tidal influence. During MIS 3, the Yangtze River appears to have mainly migrated between the modern river mouth and middle Jiangsu coastal plain, and likely built a delta complex in the field of Yangtze Sand Shoal in northern East China Sea. A large sediment supply and rapid sea-level variations promoted rapid progradation of the delta onto the flat shelf. The highest sea levels during MIS 3 are estimated to have reached 25 +/- 5 m below the present sea level. (C) 2014 University of Washington. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:扬子江三角洲平原和黄海南部的三个长钻芯通过沉积分析和AMSC-14日期,建立了长江下游的沉积历史和海洋氧同位素阶段(MIS)3期间的海平面变化。在北部三角洲平原和近海地区发现了MIS 3长江下游的大量河道沉积物,厚度超过30 m。厚河道沉积物的特征是大量的中细砂沉积物,并具有零星的潮汐影响。在MIS 3期间,长江似乎主要在现代河口与江苏中部沿海平原之间迁移,并可能在东海北部的长江沙滩地区建立了三角洲综合体。大量的沉积物供应和快速的海平面变化促使三角洲迅速向平坦的陆架发展。 MIS 3期间的最高海平面估计已达到当前海平面以下25 +/- 5 m。 (C)2014华盛顿大学。由Elsevier Inc.出版。保留所有权利。



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