首页> 外文期刊>Psychotherapy and politics international >Carnal Critiques: Promiscuity, Politics, Imagination, Spirituality and Hypocrisy

Carnal Critiques: Promiscuity, Politics, Imagination, Spirituality and Hypocrisy


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The author explains the political, psychological and ethical reasons for writing about promiscuity. His previous work on what is‘more-than personal’embrace politics and spirituality in the context of psychotherapy. He sets this inquiry in the historica context of the fortieth anniversary of the‘sexual revolution' of the 1960s, reviewing crit, tally the debate as to whether there was or was not a revolution. The manifold connection between sexual promiscuity and political critique are explored. This sets the scene for th location of promiscuous phenomena within a spiritual or transpersonal domain. Promis cuities (in the plural) rather than monolithic promiscuity are surveyed in terms of sex an sexual diversity. Promiscuity is reviewed in terms of imaginative process. Finally, th hypocritical attitudes towards promiscuity on the part of many (but not all) psychothera pists are explored with the intention of discovering the reasons for this phenomenot Copyright _ 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:作者解释了有关滥交的政治,心理和道德原因。他先前的工作是在心理治疗的背景下,实现“超越个人的”拥抱政治和灵性。他在1960年代“性革命”四十周年的历史性背景下对此进行了调查,他回顾了批评,并就是否有革命进行了辩论。探索了性滥交与政治批评之间的多种联系。这为在精神或超人领域内的混杂现象定位奠定了基础。从性别和性别多样性的角度来调查(以复数形式)的随意性而不是整体性的随意性。随意性是根据想象力的过程进行审查的。最后,探究了许多(但不是全部)心理治疗师对滥交的虚伪态度,目的是发现这种现象的原因。版权所有_ 2009 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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