首页> 外文期刊>Quaternary geochronology >Combined uranium series and ~(10)Be cosmogenic exposure dating of surface abandonment: A case study from the ?lgiy strike-slip fault in western Mongolia

Combined uranium series and ~(10)Be cosmogenic exposure dating of surface abandonment: A case study from the ?lgiy strike-slip fault in western Mongolia


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Time-averaged fault slip-rates can be established by reliably dating the abandonment of an alluvial deposit that has been displaced by Quaternary movement along a cross-cutting fault. Unfortunately, many Quaternary dating techniques are hindered by uncertainties inherent to individual geochronometers. Such uncertainties can be minimised by combining multiple independent techniques. In this study, we combine ~(10)Be exposure dating of boulder tops and U-series dating of layered pedogenic carbonate cements accumulated on the underside of clasts from two separate alluvial surfaces. These surfaces are both displaced by the active ?lgiy strike-slip fault in the Mongolian Altay Mountains. We date individual layers of pedogenic carbonate, and for the first time apply a Bayesian statistical analysis to the results to develop a history of carbonate accumulation. Our approach to the U-series dating provides an age of initiation of carbonate cement formation and avoids the problem of averaging contributions from younger layers within the carbonate. The U-series ages make it possible to distinguish ~(10)Be samples that have anomalously young exposure ages and have hence been subject to the effects of postdepositional erosion or exhumation. The combination of ~(10)Be and U-series dating methods provides better constrained age estimates than using either method in isolation and allows us to bracket the abandonment ages of the two surfaces as 18.0-28.1 kyr and 38.4-76.4 kyr. Our ages, combined with measurements of the displacement of the surfaces, yield a right-lateral slip-rate for the ?lgiy fault of 0.3-1.3 mm yr~(-1), showing that it is a relatively important structure within the active tectonics of Mongolia and that it constitutes a substantial hazard to local populations.
机译:时间平均断层滑移率可以通过可靠地确定沿横断层断层被第四纪运动驱替的冲积沉积物的放弃日期来确定。不幸的是,许多第四纪测年技术受到各个地球计时器固有的不确定性的阻碍。通过结合多种独立技术,可以将此类不确定性降至最低。在这项研究中,我们结合了〜(10)Be巨石顶部的暴露测年和堆积在来自两个单独冲积面的碎屑底面的层状成岩碳酸盐水泥的U系列测年。这些表面都因蒙古阿尔泰山脉中活跃的脆弱的走滑断裂而移位。我们对成岩碳酸盐的各个层进行了测年,并首次对结果进行贝叶斯统计分析,以开发碳酸盐堆积的历史。我们对U系列测年的方法提供了碳酸盐胶结物形成的起始年龄,避免了碳酸盐相中较年轻层平均贡献的问题。 U系列年龄可以区分〜(10)是具有异常年轻暴露年龄的样本,因此受到沉积后侵蚀或发掘的影响。 〜(10)Be和U系列测年方法的组合提供了比单独使用任一种方法更好的约束年龄估计,并允许我们将两个表面的弃置年龄归为18.0-28.1公斤和38.4-76.4公斤。我们的年龄,再加上表面位移的测量结果,对于轻断裂的右滑移速率为0.3-1.3 mm yr〜(-1),这表明它是活跃构造内相对重要的结构蒙古,对当地居民构成重大危害。



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