首页> 外文期刊>Psychotherapy >Interpersonal learning is associated with improved self-esteem in group psychotherapy for women with binge eating disorder.

Interpersonal learning is associated with improved self-esteem in group psychotherapy for women with binge eating disorder.


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Yalom and Leszcz (2005) indicated that interpersonal learning is a key therapeutic factor in group psychotherapy. In this study, we conceptualized interpersonal learning as the convergence over time between an individual's and the group's perception of the individual's cohesion to the group. First, we developed parallel measures of: (a) an individual's self-rated cohesion to the group (Cohesion Questionnaire-Individual Version [CQ-I]), and (b) the group's rating of the individual's cohesion to the group (CQ-G) based on the original Cohesion Questionnaire (CQ; Piper, Marache, Lacroix, Richardsen, & Jones, 1983). Second, we used these parallel scales to assess differences between an individual's self-rating and the mean of the group's ratings of the individual's cohesion to the group. Women with binge eating disorder (N = 102) received Group Psychodynamic Interpersonal Psychotherapy. Participants were assigned to homogeneously composed groups of either high or low attachment anxiety. Outcomes were measured pre- and post-treatment, and the CQ-I and CQ-G were administered every fourth group session. We found significant convergence over time between the CQ-I and mean CQ-G scale scores in both attachment anxiety conditions. Participants with higher attachment anxiety had lower individual self-ratings of cohesion and had greater discrepancies between the CQ-I and CG-G compared with those with lower attachment anxiety. There was a significant relationship between greater convergence in cohesion ratings and improved self-esteem at post-treatment. More accurate self-perceptions through feedback from group members may be a key factor in facilitating increased self-esteem in group therapy. Group therapists may facilitate such interpersonal learning, especially for those higher in attachment anxiety, by noting discrepancies and then encouraging convergence between an individual and the group in their perceptions of cohesion to the group.
机译:Yalom和Leszcz(2005)指出,人际学习是集体心理治疗中的关键治疗因素。在这项研究中,我们将人际关系学习概念化为个体与群体对个体对群体凝聚力的感知之间随着时间的推移而趋同。首先,我们制定了以下平行衡量指标:(a)个人对小组的自我评价凝聚力(凝聚力问卷-个人版本[CQ-I]),以及(b)小组对个人对小组的凝聚力评分(CQ- G)基于原始的内聚性问卷(CQ; Piper,Marache,Lacroix,Richardsen和Jones,1983年)。其次,我们使用这些平行的量表来评估个人的自我评价与个人对团队的凝聚力的团体评分平均值之间的差异。暴饮暴食症(N = 102)的妇女接受了团体心理动力人际心理治疗。参与者被分配为依恋焦虑程度高或低的均质组。在治疗前和治疗后对结果进行测量,每隔第四组进行一次CQ-I和CQ-G给药。我们发现,在两种依恋焦虑状态下,CQ-1和平均CQ-G量表得分之间随着时间的推移出现了显着收敛。与具有较低依恋焦虑的人相比,具有较高依恋焦虑的人的内聚性自我评价较低,并且CQ-1和CG-G之间的差异更大。凝聚力等级的更大收敛性与治疗后自尊的改善之间存在显着的关系。通过小组成员的反馈获得更准确的自我认知可能是促进小组治疗中自尊心增强的关键因素。团体治疗师可以注意到差异,然后鼓励个人与团体在对团体凝聚力的认识上趋于一致,从而促进这种人际关系学习,尤其是对于那些对依恋焦虑较高的人。



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