首页> 外文期刊>Psychology of religion and spirituality >Spirituality and Religion in Experiences of Italian American Daughters Grieving Their Fathers

Spirituality and Religion in Experiences of Italian American Daughters Grieving Their Fathers


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Religion, spirituality, family relationships, death, grief, and mourning typically occupy places of great consequence in Italian American families, and Giordano, McGoldrick, and Klages (2005) have noted that "Italians tend to keep their dead with them" (p. 623). This aligns with current views on mourning and loss that emphasize continuing bonds and connections, as well as perspectives on the connection between religion and spirituality and loss and grief, including the importance of culture in grief and mourning. Yet despite a large Italian American population, little has been written in the psychological literature about Italian American culture, families, spirituality or religion, and approach to death and mourning. This article examines those issues through the Italian American father/daughter relationship, focusing on the daughters' grief after their fathers' deaths, particularly on how religion and/or spirituality were or were not a part of that process. An exploratory interview study was conducted with 51 Italian American women who had lost their fathers, and questions about grief, culture, and belief systems were asked. An emerging view of the range of spiritual and religious beliefs and practices held by the Italian American women, and how they contributed or not to the grief process, is delineated. We discuss the meaning of this work for bereavement studies, Italian American studies, and psychology of religion and spirituality, as well as how this work might generalize to other groups and experiences of loss, including implications for therapy with people in mourning.
机译:宗教,灵性,家庭关系,死亡,悲伤和哀悼通常在意大利裔美国人家庭中占有重要地位,佐丹奴,麦高德里克和克拉格斯(2005)指出“意大利人倾向于与他们同死” 623)。这与当前关于丧葬和丧葬的观点相一致,后者强调持续的纽带和联系,以及关于宗教与灵性,丧葬和悲痛之间联系的观点,包括文化在悲痛和哀悼中的重要性。尽管有大量的意大利裔美国人,但有关意大利裔美国人的文化,家庭,灵性或宗教以及死亡和哀悼的方法的心理学文献却很少。本文通过意大利裔美国人的父女关系研究了这些问题,重点关注女儿死后父亲的悲痛,尤其是宗教和/或灵性在这一过程中的存在或不存在。对51名失去父亲的意大利裔美国妇女进行了一次探索性访谈研究,并询问了有关悲伤,文化和信仰体系的问题。描绘了一种新的观点,即意大利裔美国妇女所持有的精神和宗教信仰与习俗的范围,以及她们如何为悲伤进程做出贡献或没有做出贡献。我们讨论了这项工作对丧亲研究,意大利裔美国人研究以及宗教和灵性心理学的意义,以及该工作如何推广到其他群体和失落经历,包括对哀悼中的人进行治疗的意义。



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