首页> 外文期刊>Psychology of religion and spirituality >Calling and Conflict: The Sanctification of Work in Working Mothers

Calling and Conflict: The Sanctification of Work in Working Mothers


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This study applies the construct of sanctification to working mothers'experiences of work. Women (N 200) who had completed a master's, doctoral, or professional degree and were employed with at least one child under the age of 18 years residing in the home, completed an online survey investigating their sanctification of work, intrinsic religiosity, religious commitment, positive and negative affect, interrole conflict, and satisfaction with work. The results indicated that greater levels of sanctification of work show incremental validity over intrinsic religiosity and religious commitment in predicting higher positive affect, lower interrole conflict, and higher satisfaction with work. Implications of these results for religious working mothers are explored.
机译:本研究将成圣的构想应用于职业母亲的工作经验。妇女(N 200)已完成硕士学位,博士学位或专业学位,并雇用了至少一个未满18岁的儿童居住在家里,他们完成了一项在线调查,以调查其工作成圣,内在宗教信仰,宗教信仰,正面和负面影响,相互矛盾的冲突以及对工作的满意度。结果表明,更高程度的工作成圣表明,在预测更高的积极影响,更低的群体冲突和更高的工作满意度方面,与固有的宗教信仰和宗教承诺相比,其有效性提高。探索了这些结果对宗教工作母亲的影响。



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