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Lots of negatives in the coal news doesn't mean everything is bad for coal stocks


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If you're into buying and selling coal stocks the past week or so is enough to make you get in bed and pull the covers up over your head. Yes, there's some good news out there - met coal settlements appear to be coming in at $285/tonne - but for the most part there's no news. That's tough when you're putting out a news letter, but the old "no news is good news" canard gets stood on its head when it comes to stock markets. And despite what the old song says about "accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative" when news is short the negative looks even worse. Stifel Nicolaus' Paul Forward did a good job last week putting together a list of all the news that, well, ain't so good. Stockpiles that appear to be stuck in neutral, cooling days were more than normal but less than last year, gas prices doing what they seem to do best and falling some more and NYMEX prices taking a double-dollar dip in less than a week.
机译:如果您在过去一周左右的时间里买卖煤炭库存,就足以让您起床卧床,抬起头套。是的,那里有一些好消息-煤炭结算价格似乎达到285美元/吨-但在大多数情况下没有消息。当您发布新闻信时,这很难,但是在股票市场上,旧的“没有新闻就是好消息”卡纳德立于不败之地。而且,尽管这首老歌说了“强调积极因素,消除消极情绪”,但在新闻短时,消极情绪看起来更糟。斯蒂夫·尼古拉(Stifel Nicolaus)的保罗·弗沃德(Paul Forward)上周做得很好,整理了一份清单,列出了所有不好的新闻。似乎停滞在中性,降温天的库存比平常多,但比去年少,汽油价格表现最好,跌幅更大,而纽约商品交易所价格在不到一周的时间内下跌了两倍。



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