首页> 外文期刊>Quantitative Economics >Estimating dynamic discrete-choice games of incomplete information

Estimating dynamic discrete-choice games of incomplete information


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We investigate the estimation of models of dynamic discrete-choice games of incomplete information, formulating the maximum-likelihood estimation exercise as a constrained optimization problem that can be solved using state-of-the-art constrained optimization solvers. Under the assumption that only one equilibrium is played in the data, our approach avoids repeatedly solving the dynamic game or finding all equilibria for each candidate vector of the structural parameters. We conduct Monte Carlo experiments to investigate the numerical performance and finite-sample properties of the constrained optimization approach for computing the maximum-likelihood estimator, the two-step pseudo-maximum-likelihood estimator, and the nested pseudo-likelihood estimator, implemented by both the nested pseudo-likelihood algorithm and a modified nested pseudo-likelihood algorithm.
机译:我们研究了不完全信息的动态离散选择博弈模型的估计,将最大似然估计公式表示为可以使用最新的约束优化求解器解决的约束优化问题。假设数据中只有一个平衡,我们的方法避免了重复求解动态博弈或为结构参数的每个候选向量找到所有平衡点。我们进行蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)实验,以研究用于计算最大似然估计器,两步伪最大似然估计器和嵌套伪似然估计器的约束优化方法的数值性能和有限样本性质,二者嵌套伪似然算法和改进的嵌套伪似然算法。



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