首页> 外文期刊>Quantum electronics >Measurement of the absorption line profiles of water vapour isotopomers at 1.39 μm using the methods of diode laser spectroscopy

Measurement of the absorption line profiles of water vapour isotopomers at 1.39 μm using the methods of diode laser spectroscopy


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The issues related to high-precision measurement of the absorption line profiles of water vapour and its isotopomers using the methods of diode laser spectroscopy in the near IR range aimed at the analysis and detection of greenhouse gases are considered.The absorption line shape of H_2~(16)O is investigated as a function of pressure of different buffer gases. The influence of the instrument function of the diode laser (DL) on the precision of measuring the line profile is studied. From fitting the profile of Doppler-broadened H_2~(16)O absorption line to a model profile the lasing line width of the DL with a fibre pigtail is determined. The frequencies and intensities of absorption lines of water isotopomers H _2~(16)O, H_2~(17)O, H_2~(18)O, and HDO are measured in the range of DL oscillation. Analytical spectral regions are chosen for distant probing of water vapour using an airborne lab.



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