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Looking at emotional words is not the same as reading emotional words: Behavioral and neural correlates


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Recent research suggests that the allocation of attentional resources to emotional content during word processing might be sensitive to task requirements. This question was investigated in two tasks with similar instructions. The stimuli were positive, negative, and neutral nouns. Participants had to identify meaningful words embedded in a stream of non-recognizable stimuli (task 1) or pseudowords (task 2). Task 1 could be successfully performed on the basis of the perceptual features whereas a lexico-semantic analysis was required in task 2. Effects were found only in task 2. Positive nouns were identified faster, with fewer errors and elicited larger amplitude in an early negativity. Also, the amplitude of a late positivity was larger for both positive and negative nouns than for neutral nouns. It is concluded that some degree of linguistic processing is needed to direct attention to the affective content during word processing.
机译:最近的研究表明,在文字处理过程中将注意力资源分配给情感内容可能对任务要求敏感。这个问题是在两个具有相似说明的任务中进行调查的。刺激是正面,负面和中性名词。参与者必须识别嵌入在无法识别的刺激(任务1)或伪词(任务2)流中的有意义的词。可以根据感知特征成功执行任务1,而在任务2中则需要进行词汇语义分析。仅在任务2中才能发现效果。正名词的识别速度更快,错误更少,并且在早期否定时引起更大的幅度。 。同样,正名词和负名词的后期阳性幅度均大于中性名词。结论是在单词处理过程中需要一定程度的语言处理才能将注意力集中在情感内容上。



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