首页> 外文期刊>Psychophysiology >Mechanisms underlying the left visual-field advantage in the dual stream RSVP task: Evidence from N2pc, P3, and distractor-evoked VEPs

Mechanisms underlying the left visual-field advantage in the dual stream RSVP task: Evidence from N2pc, P3, and distractor-evoked VEPs


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When two letter streams containing two targets (T1 and T2) are presented left and right, T2 is better identified in the left hemifield. This study on 16 healthy participants used evidence from ERPs to decide whether this advantage is due to better processing in the right hemisphere or to overload of the left one. N2pc and P3 components evoked by T1 and T2 were measured, as well as the VEPs evoked by the stream of distractor stimuli. Already at the onset of the stream, these VEPs peaked earlier at the right than at the left hemisphere. N2pc was evoked earlier and P3 amplitudes were larger with left than with right T2. Previously reported side differences in T1-evoked N2pc were no longer obtained after correcting for constant hemispheric differences. The faster VEP latencies at the right hemisphere from the very beginning of the stimulus series may reflect an advantage in structuring fast sequences, which may cause the left visual-field advantage.
机译:当左右包含两个目标(T1和T2)的两个字母流出现时,在左半场中可以更好地识别T2。这项针对16位健康参与者的研究使用了ERP的证据来确定这一优势是由于右半球的加工更好还是左半球的负荷过大。测量了由T1和T2诱发的N2pc和P3成分,以及分心器刺激流诱发的VEP。这些VEP已经在水流开始时出现,在右侧比左侧半球早达到峰值。 N2pc较早被诱发,并且左侧的P3幅度大于右侧的T2。校正恒定的半球差异后,不再获得先前报道的T1诱发的N2pc的侧面差异。从刺激序列的最开始起,右半球较快的VEP潜伏期可能反映出构造快速序列的优势,这可能会导致左视野优势。



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