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Health care and life expectancy: A letter from Russia


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As discussed by Zatoriski and Bhala, the trends for life expectancy at birth have improved in many areas around the world. However, those in Russia and some other former Soviet Union countries 'have not shown signs of growth since the middle of the 20th century.' 'In 2008, the difference in life expectancy between men in some West-European countries and Russia was 20 years.' Estimates from 2008 on the probability of death before 65 years of age for men are approximately 16% in Western Europe, compared with 31% in Eastern Europe and 54% in Russia. As a pathologist, I can comment on the relatively high mortality rates from cardiovascular disease in Russia compared with West Europe, illustrated by Zatoriski and Bhala's graphs. Since the Soviet time, autopsy has remained obligatory for all patients dying in hospitals; however, the attitude towards post-mortem examinations has become less serious. Autopsies have often been performed incompletely and without much insight. If a cause of death is not entirely clear, it is common practice to write on the death certificate: 'ischaemic heart disease with cardiac insufficiency' or a similar formulation.
机译:正如扎托里斯基(Zatoriski)和巴拉(Bhala)所讨论的那样,世界许多地区的出生时预期寿命趋势都有所改善。但是,俄罗斯和其他一些前苏联国家的人“自20世纪中叶以来没有表现出增长的迹象”。 “ 2008年,一些西欧国家的男性和俄罗斯的预期寿命相差20年。”从2008年开始,西欧男性65岁之前死亡的可能性估计约为16%,而东欧为31%,俄罗斯为54%。作为病理学家,我可以评论Zatoriski和Bhala的图表说明,与西欧相比,俄罗斯心血管疾病的死亡率相对较高。自苏维埃时代以来,尸检一直是所有死于医院的患者的义务。但是,对验尸的态度已经不那么认真了。尸体解剖常常不完整且缺乏洞察力。如果死因尚不完全清楚,通常的做法是在死亡证明上写明:“患有心脏功能不全的缺血性心脏病”或类似的说法。



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