首页> 外文期刊>Productions Animales >Long term analysis of meat sheep farming systems in France. Which dynamics of evolution and which factors can explain the economical performance? [French]Original Title Analyse sur le long terme de systemes d'elevage ovins allaitants en France. Quelles trajectoires et quels facteurs de reussite economique?

Long term analysis of meat sheep farming systems in France. Which dynamics of evolution and which factors can explain the economical performance? [French]Original Title Analyse sur le long terme de systemes d'elevage ovins allaitants en France. Quelles trajectoires et quels facteurs de reussite economique?

机译:对法国肉羊养殖系统的长期分析。哪些发展动态和哪些因素可以解释经济表现? [英语]原始标题法国的乳羊养殖系统的长期分析。什么轨迹和成功的经济因素是什么?

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Sheep farming has been strongly challenged over the last thirty years. Sheep farmer's income remains among the lowest in French agriculture in spite of important changes. The main part of this study was based on a long-term technico-economical survey and monitoring. Increasing the size of farms did not improve income. In the long term, the technical results (ewe productivity), together with the control of feeding costs (concentrates), ensured a high level of gross margin per ewe. The latter remains, in the long term too, the first factor to explain the net income, rather than the flock size or the control of structural costs. We demonstrate that these elements of technical management also participated in reducing the environmental impact in terms of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions per kilogram of carcass produced. The average results conceal a great heterogeneity in farm structures, functioning, performances, and in long-term dynamics of evolution. We propose an original method to characterize long term farm trajectories, based on multivariate analysis.



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