首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society >Making Yourself at Home on an Island: The First 1000 Years (+?) of the Irish Mesolithic

Making Yourself at Home on an Island: The First 1000 Years (+?) of the Irish Mesolithic


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This paper is based on the 2009 Europa lecture which concentrated on the issues surrounding the Early Holocene colonisation of Ireland and placed it both in a broader European context as well as asking why the initial settlement of Ireland should take place so late. It also reconsidered the reasons why there was a significant change in technology within the Irish Mesolithic. This paper suggests that over-emphasis has been placed on the Irish 'Early'-Later Mesolithic change which had been thought to take place at a very specific point in time. Instead it is suggested that changes began to take place soon after settlement began in Ireland and that many of the classic Mesolithic type fossils, most notably microliths, began to vanish, perhaps around or just after 9000 years cal BP. It seems preferable to redefine the chronology of the Irish Mesolithic into two main phases the EARLIER and LATER Mesolithic with an, as yet undefined, chronological boundary between 8800 and 8600 cal BP. At the same time it recognises that there are significant changes (fades) within each of the major phases, some of which could even be regional. It should also be noted that not all of the fades need necessarily be associated with a distinct range of obvious type fossils.
机译:本文基于2009年的欧罗巴演讲,该演讲集中讨论了爱尔兰的全新世早期殖民问题,并将其置于更广阔的欧洲范围内,同时询问为什么爱尔兰应该在这么晚的时候进行初步定居。它还重新考虑了爱尔兰中石器时代技术发生重大变化的原因。本文表明,人们过分强调了爱尔兰的“早期”后期中石器时代的变化,该变化被认为是在某个特定的时间点发生的。取而代之的是,建议在爱尔兰定居后不久就开始发生变化,而且许多经典的中石器型化石(最著名的是微石)开始消失,也许大约在9000年BP左右或之后。将爱尔兰中石器时代重新定义为早期和晚期中石器时代两个主要阶段似乎是可取的,在8800和8600 cal BP之间有一个尚未定义的时间界线。同时,它认识到每个主要阶段都存在重大变化(淡入淡出),其中一些甚至可能是区域性的。还应该注意的是,并非所有的褪色都必须与不同范围的明显类型的化石相关联。



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