首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society >Bryn Celli Ddu Passage Tomb, Anglesey: Alignment,Construction, Date, and Ritual

Bryn Celli Ddu Passage Tomb, Anglesey: Alignment,Construction, Date, and Ritual

机译:Bryn Celli Ddu通道墓,安格尔西:路线,构造,日期和仪式

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Bryn Celli Ddu is one of only two developed passage tombs in Wales, and has occupied a pivotal place in narratives of this region since the publication of excavations in the 1920s by W.J. Hemp. The construction sequence at the site has been at the centre of debate on several occasions with previous models raising important issues about the sequence of major monument types (notably the henge and the passage tomb) and the inter-regional links of the tomb's builders. This paper presents a new interpretation of the site's construction history, drawing on several sources, including: the recent demonstration that the tomb is aligned on the midsummer sunrise; Hemp's unpublished archive; and the results of a radiocarbon dating programme. The result is a two phase model which shows the tomb to have been built between 3074 and 2956 cal BC, and which sheds fresh light on the ritual practices of the community which built it.
机译:Bryn Celli Ddu是威尔士仅有的两个发达通道墓葬之一,自从1920年代W.J. Hemp发掘出土以来,在该地区的叙述中一直占有举足轻重的地位。现场的建筑顺序在几次辩论中一直处于辩论的中心,以前的模型提出了有关主要纪念碑类型(特别是竖琴和墓穴)的顺序以及墓葬建造者之间区域间联系的重要问题。本文利用以下几个方面对遗址的建设历史进行了新的解释,包括:最近的示威,该墓在仲夏日出时对齐;大麻的未发布档案;以及放射性碳测年计划的结果。结果是一个分为两个阶段的模型,显示了该墓建于公元前3074年至2956年之间,并为建造该墓的社区的仪式活动提供了新的思路。



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