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Things Ain't Always What They Seem to be:a Cautionary Tale Concerning a 'Hand-axe'


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In June 2007 David Summers was digging in his garden atWroughton (NGR SU 14778117), just south of Swindon,Wiltshire, when he noticed a small bifacial flint tool.Realising that it was something interesting he e-mailedphotographs to Devizes Museum where the now-retiredcurator, Paul Robinson, identified it as a LowerPalaeolithic hand-axe. The implement is a small pointedbifacial tool, conforming exactly to Wymer's (1968) typeF hand-axes; it measures 60 mm long, 47 mm wide and is29 mm thick. The object is unrolled, suggesting that it hadnot moved far from the point where it was dropped, but isheavily stained. Nothing like it was known from theimmediate area although hand-axes have been recordedfrom the summit of Hackpen Hill, 7 km to the south (Roe1968) with others, including small implements, from oneof the most prolific sites in Britain at Knowle Farm (Roe1968) on the edge of Savernake Forest.
机译:2007年6月,大卫·萨默斯(David Summers)在威尔特郡史云顿以南的伍尔顿(Wroughton)(NGR SU 14778117)的花园里挖洞时,发现一个小的双面火石工具。他意识到这很有趣,他将照片通过电子邮件发送给了Devizes博物馆,如今,退休的策展人保罗·罗宾逊(Paul Robinson)将其识别为下石器时代的手斧。该工具是一种小型的尖头双向工具,完全符合Wymer(1968)的typeF手斧;它长60毫米,宽47毫米,厚29毫米。该对象已展开,表明它尚未从放下的位置移开,但已被严重染色。尽管从南面7公里的哈克彭山(Roe1968)峰顶上已经记录到手斧,但包括其他小工具在内,却是英国最大产的地方之一,在诺尔农场(Roe1968)上,人们从未发现过类似的动静。在Savernake森林的边缘。



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