首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society >An Early Neolithic Grave and Occupation, and an Early Bronze Age Hearth on the Thames Foreshore at Yabsley Street, Blackwall, London

An Early Neolithic Grave and Occupation, and an Early Bronze Age Hearth on the Thames Foreshore at Yabsley Street, Blackwall, London


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Excavation on on the Thames floodplain in London revealed traces of Early Neolithic occupation and burial on id gravel bar beneath alluvium, A large expanse of peat also buried by alluvium was recorded between ds and the modern river Thames suggesting that the occupation was situated on or close to the 2. A single grave cut into the natural sand contained a poorly preserved crouched inhumation, possibly tan.. The burial was accompanied by a fragment of carinated bowl, a flint knife, and other struck flints. carbon date from an oak retaining plank within the grave of 5252+28 BP (4220-3970 cal ?C: 57) makes this burial one of the earliest from the British Isles and the earliest known for London A f struck flint and pottery predominantly of Early Neolithic date was recovered from adjacent areas of , A nearby hearth contained fragments of Early Bronze Age pottery pointing to later prehistoric activity.
机译:伦敦泰晤士河洪泛区的发掘发现了新石器时代早期的遗迹,并在冲积物下方的内生砾石上埋葬了土石,在ds和现代泰晤士河之间记录了大片泥炭也被冲积物掩埋的现象,表明该职业位于或接近到2号。一个被切成天然沙子的坟墓里保存得很差,蹲伏着的矿化物(可能是棕褐色)。埋葬时有一块石化碗碎片,一把火石刀和其他被击打的火石。从5252 + 28 BP(4220-3970 cal?C:57)的坟墓中的一块橡木挡土板中获得的碳酸盐年代,使该葬礼成为不列颠群岛最早的坟墓之一,也是伦敦最早的葬礼之一。新石器时代的早期日期是从的相邻地区回收的,附近的炉膛中包含青铜器时代早期陶器的碎片,表明后来的史前活动。



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