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The Clandon Barrow Finery: a Synopsis of Success in an Early Bronze Age World




The famous assemblage of finery excavated by Edward Cunnington from Clandon Barrow, Dorset, in 1882 isusually held to be archetypal of the 'Wessex culture' and rich graves. Meticulous examination of the sixartefacts and re-appraisal of comparative material casts a new light on the significance of the group. It doesnot represent a definable cultural package and instead points to a complex set of inter-relationships withforeign' lands achieved, above all, by plying varied maritime networks. Connections are shown to have run upthe east coast of Britain, west towards the Irish Sea, and across the Channel to both Armorica and the Frisiancoast. By contrast, links with inland Wessex were rather insubstantial. Questions are raised about the utility ofthe 'Wessex' label. Although uncertain whether it was a grave group or some other ritual deposit, the assemblage can be seen ina positive light as a record of great exploits in distant travel. The material assembled came to stand for thesuccess of the south Dorset community and its key personages as judged against the prime concerns of EarlyBronze Age society. Its paramount importance is emphasised by the choice of site __ a focally positioned, yetrelatively isolated barrow within a dense monumental landscape and, moreover, a barrow that saw recurrentrejuvenation as part of a cycle of remembrance.
机译:由爱德华·坎宁顿(Edward Cunnington)从多塞特郡克兰登·巴罗(Clandon Barrow)发掘的著名服装组合通常是1882年的原型,是“维塞克斯文化”和丰富坟墓的原型。对六个文物的认真检查和对比较材料的重新评估,为该小组的意义提供了新的亮点。它并不代表可定义的文化包,而是指出了与外国土地的一系列复杂的相互关系,最重要的是通过利用各种海上网络来实现。事实表明,这种联系在英国的东海岸,西向爱尔兰海以及横跨英吉利海峡的阿尔莫里卡海岸和弗里斯安海岸都有。相比之下,与内陆威塞克斯的联系则微不足道。有人对“ Wessex”标签的用途提出了疑问。尽管不确定这是一个坟墓群还是其他一些仪式遗迹,但可以从积极的角度将这一组合视为远距离旅行中许多功绩的记录。根据早期青铜时代社会的主要关切,所收集的材料代表了南多塞特郡社区及其主要人物的成功。场地的选择强调了它的至高无上的地位__是位于稠密的纪念性景观中的集中定位但相对孤立的手推车,此外,这种手推车将重新复兴视为纪念循环的一部分。



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