首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society >Families, Prestige Goods, Warriors & Complex Societies: Beaker Groups of the 3rd Millennium cal BC Along the Upper & Middle Danube

Families, Prestige Goods, Warriors & Complex Societies: Beaker Groups of the 3rd Millennium cal BC Along the Upper & Middle Danube




From the Middle Copper Age in the mid-4th millennium cal "c, and throughout the whole Late Copper Age, we observe the emergence of supra-regional, expansionistic 'cultures'. Originating in south-east Europe, they expanded into central and northern Europe, eventually reaching the west and the margins. Typical of these are the Cernavoda lll/Bolerdz cultures; then, later, the Baden sequence, along with the Globular Amphora Culture adjacent to the northern arc of the Carpathian mountains. The Corded Ware/Single Grave Cultures, and finally the Bell Beaker Culture, follow in a third stage from the first quarter of the 3rd millennium cal uc. The latter expand - emerging from the Iberian Peninsula according to current research - towards the east in a fourth stage, reaching Britain and Ireland, Central Europe, and the central Mediterranean by 2500 cal /.!(.. it is now common knowledge that this Bell Beaker phenomenon does not represent a homogeneous unit, but splits into at least four supra-regional groupings. Of these, the Centred European, or Bell Beaker East Group, is the focus of this study.
机译:从第四世纪中叶的中期铜时代到整个晚期铜时代,我们观察到超区域扩张主义“文化”的出现。它们起源于东南欧,扩展到中部和北部欧洲,最终到达西部和边缘,典型的是切尔纳沃达(Cernavoda lll)/博勒兹(Bolerdz)文化;然后是巴登(Baden)序列,以及喀尔巴阡山脉北弧附近的球状安菲拉文化。从第三个千禧年第一季度开始,第三阶段开始出现坟墓文化,最后是贝尔烧杯文化,根据目前的研究,后者从伊比利亚半岛出现,并在第四阶段向东方扩展,到达英国。和爱尔兰,中欧和地中海中部2500 cal / !!(..现在众所周知,这种Bell Beaker现象不代表均质单元,而是至少分裂为四个理性分组。其中,以欧洲为中心的研究小组或贝尔比克东部研究小组是本研究的重点。



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