/ Southeast Asia' was published, there has been a number of significant developments. There remains a lack of early cultural material despite the po'/> Problems in the Stone Age of South-east Asia Revisited
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Problems in the Stone Age of South-east Asia Revisited


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In the 13 years since 'Problems in the Stone Age <>/ Southeast Asia' was published, there has been a number of significant developments. There remains a lack of early cultural material despite the possibility that first occupation of the area may date back as far as I .S Myrs. It seems that the first honiinins in the region were essentially 'alithic' in their adaptation, making the reconstruction of their behaviour extremely difficult. There-is also a question as to which hominin was first 'Out of Africa' and into Asia and a suggestion that Homo erectus is, in fact, an Asian species that may have migrated west. This has important implications for interpretations of the significance of the so-called 'Movius Line'. By the time stone tool use does appear regularly in the record, modern humans are present but it is still hard to identify the kinds of directional changes that are associated with the Late Pleistocene elsewhere in the u-orld. The question of when humans were able to exploit tropical forests in the region is also one that recent work explores. The recent discoveries from Flores of stone tools that appear to pre-date the arrival of modern humans, and a possibly associated 'dwarf hominin, Homo floresiensis, all require re-appraisal of the nature of human activity in the region.
机译:自《石器时代的问题》 /《东南亚》出版以来的13年中,出现了许多重大进展。尽管该地区的首次占领可追溯至迈尔斯(I.S Myrs),但仍缺乏早期文化资料。似乎该地区最早的猪泌素在适应性上本质上是“算术”的,这使得其行为的重建极为困难。还有一个问题是,哪个人种最早是“离开非洲”并进入亚洲的,并且有人认为直立人实际上是可能向西迁移的亚洲物种。这对于解释所谓的“莫维乌斯线”的重要性具有重要意义。到石器工具的使用确实确实出现在记录中时,现代人类已经存在,但是仍然很难确定与u-orld的其他地方的晚更新世有关的方向变化。人们何时能够在该地区开发热带森林的问题也是最近的工作探索的问题。弗洛雷斯(Flores)最近发现的石器似乎早于现代人类的到来,还有可能与之相关的“矮人”人弗洛雷斯人(Homo floresiensis),都需要重新评估该地区人类活动的性质。



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