首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society >A Collection of Early Upper Palaeolithic Artefacts from Beedings, near Pulborough, West Sussex, and the Context of Similar Finds from the British Isles

A Collection of Early Upper Palaeolithic Artefacts from Beedings, near Pulborough, West Sussex, and the Context of Similar Finds from the British Isles




This paper provides a first formal description of a collection of lithic artefacts unearthed during the building of a house called Beedings on a scarp crest near Pulborough in West Sussex. The discovery was probably made in 1900. The collection is very obviously multi-period, but it includes the largest group of Early Upper Palaeolithic artefacts from south-eastern England. Attributed to this time are leaf-points, end-scrapers, and burins. While recent selection has much reduced the collection it also appears to contain contemporary cores and debitage and evidence for the production of bladelets. In a British context this find is unique and in a European perspective it is one of the richest assemblages attributable to the Lincombian-Ranisian-erzmanowician technocomplex. The age of this technoconiplex is poorly constrained, but in this paper it is argued to belong to the earliest part of the Upper Palaeolithic, starting earlier than the local Aurignacian. The Upper Palaeolithic material from Beedings is interpreted as having come front a hunting camp situated so as to exploit the extensive views across the western Weald.
机译:本文首次正式描述了西萨塞克斯郡Pulborough附近一座陡峭的山顶上的一栋名为Beedings的房屋的建造过程中出土的一系列石器物。该发现可能是在1900年完成的。该收藏显然是多时期的,但其中包括来自英格兰东南部的最大的早期旧石器时代文物。归因于此,是叶尖,刮铲和毛刺。尽管最近的选择大大减少了收藏,但它似乎也包含了当代的核心和借记以及生产小叶片的证据。在英国,这一发现是独一无二的,从欧洲的角度来看,这是林科比安-拉尼西亚-埃尔兹曼诺维奇技术复合体中最丰富的组合之一。该技术界的年龄限制不大,但在本文中,它被认为属于上旧石器时代最早的部分,始于当地的奥里尼亚克时代。 Beedings的上古石器时代材料被解释为位于狩猎营地的前面,以便利用整个Weald的广阔视野。



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