首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society >Iron working in the Bronze Age? Evidence from a 10th Century BC Settlement at Hartshill Copse, Upper Bucklebury, West Berkshire

Iron working in the Bronze Age? Evidence from a 10th Century BC Settlement at Hartshill Copse, Upper Bucklebury, West Berkshire

机译:铁在青铜时代工作?西伯克郡上巴克利伯里Hartshill Copse的公元前10世纪定居点的证据



Excavations at Hartshill Copse in 2003 uncovered evidence for Late Bronze Age settlement, securely dated to the 10th century BC, associated with long alignments of closely set posts: prehistoric landscape features with few known parallels. Extensive sampling of the settlement remains yielded quantities of burnt flint and plain Post Deverel-Rimhury potsherds, and, quite unexpectedly, a substantial quantity of iron hammerscale. This paper presents the excavation data, ivith supporting dating evidence, and the results of detailed analysis of the metallurgical residues. It explores the spatial distribution of artefact types within the settlement, and presents an interpretative model for settlement use. The nature of the settlement, with its carefully planned use of space and close relationship with the post alignments, is then discussed. Together, all this provides conclusive evidence for the earliest ironworking site yet recognised in Britain. The paper concludes with a comprehensive discussion of early ironworking in its British and. European context.
机译:2003年在哈茨希尔·科普斯(Hartshill Copse)进行的挖掘工作中,发现了可追溯至公元前10世纪的青铜时代晚期定居点的证据,这与长期设置的相关位置相关:史前景观特征很少有人知道。对定居点的大量采样产生了烧焦的火石和普通的Deverel-Rimhury Post陶土,以及非常出乎意料的大量铁锤鳞片。本文介绍了开挖数据,证据支持的测年证据以及详细的冶金残留物分析结果。它探索了定居点内人工制品类型的空间分布,并提出了定居点使用的解释模型。然后讨论了定居点的性质,并仔细规划了空间的使用方式,并确定了与立柱对齐的紧密关系。在一起,所有这些都为迄今在英国公认的最早的铁加工场提供了确凿的证据。本文最后对英国和英国的早期铁加工进行了全面讨论。欧洲背景。



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