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A Levallois Knapping Site at West Thurrock, Lower Thames, UK: its Quaternary Context, Environment and Age


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Levallois knapping debris is present beneath the sides of a disused tramway cutting connected to Lion Pit, West Thurrock, Essex. This occurrence, first recorded during the early 20th century, is in the basal gravel of the Taplow I Mucking Formation, which dates from the end of Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (MIS) 8. The relatively undisturbed nature of this knapping debris is confirmed by the incidence of refitting material, although finer debitage is absent, presumably winnowed out. The Levallois character of the assemblage is demonstrated by the occurrence of characteristic 'tortoise' cores and flakes with faceted striking platforms. The artefact-bearing gravel is overlain by >10 m of predominantly fine-grained sediments, including fossiliferous sands and massive clayey silt, as well as laminated silts, clays, and sands of possible estuarine origin. These are attributed to deposition under temperate conditions dviring MIS 7. To the south, a younger fluvial gravel, attributed to MIS 6, has been incised into the inter glacial sequence. The top of the estuarine sequence has been affected by pedogenesis, both before and after its burial by an imbedded solifluction gravel.
机译:勒瓦卢瓦(Levallois)残骸残骸存在于一条废弃的电车轨道的侧面下方,该轨道与埃塞克斯(Essex)西瑟洛克(West Thurrock)的狮子坑(Lion Pit)连接。该事件最早在20世纪初期记录,出现在Taplow I Mucking组的基底砾石中,该碎石始于海洋氧同位素阶段(MIS)8的末期。尽管缺少更好的借记,但改装材料的使用率还是被忽略了。该组件的Levallois特性通过具有特征性的“乌龟”型芯和带有多面敲击平台的薄片的出现而得到证明。带有人工制品的砾石覆盖了> 10 m的主要是细颗粒的沉积物,包括化石砂和块状粘土粉砂,以及可能是河口起源的夹层粉砂,粘土和砂。这些归因于在MIS 7的温和条件下的沉积。在南部,一个年轻的河流砾石被归因于MIS 6,被切入了冰间期序列。河口序列的顶部在成土之前和之后都受到埋藏的溶积砾石的影响。



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