首页> 外文期刊>Precambrian Research >Geochronology of the 1.55 Ga Bengal anorthosite and Grenvillian metamorphism in the Chotanagpur gneissic complex, eastern India

Geochronology of the 1.55 Ga Bengal anorthosite and Grenvillian metamorphism in the Chotanagpur gneissic complex, eastern India

机译:印度东部Chotanagpur片麻岩复合体中1.55 Ga孟加拉钙铁正斜岩的年代学和格林维尔变质作用

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The thermal-tectonic history of the eastern part of the Chotanagpur gneissic complex (CGC) in the eastern Indian shield was investigated through U-Pb dating of zircon in anorthosite, U-Th-Pb chemical dating of monazite in metapelite granulite, and metamorphic textural analysis. Gabbroic anorthosite in the Bengal anorthosite massif was emplaced at 1550 +/- 12 Ma (2 sigma error, including error from decay constants), 50-150 Myr after an earlier metamorphic event probably related to the late stage of continental collision between the northern and the southern Indian blocks. Subsequent metamorphism in the CGC is recorded by 947 27 Ma zircon growth in the anorthosite, and 950 20 Ma and 995 24 Ma monazite growths in the matrix and within garnet of metapelite granulite located north of the anorthosite. Peak pressures and temperatures of 7-10.5 kb and 775-825 degrees C in the metapelite granulite and 8.5-11 kb and 850-900 degrees C in the anorthosite indicate granulite facies conditions during the 995-947 Ma metamorphic event. Hence, as in the Eastern Ghats belt, Grenvillian granulite facies metamorphism played an important role in the thermal-tectonic evolution of the CGC.
机译:通过对原位锆石中锆石的U-Pb定年,变质花岗岩中独居石的U-Th-Pb化学定年以及变质质地,研究了印度东部盾构地区Chotanagpur片麻岩复合体(CGC)东部的热构造史。分析。在较早的变质事件发生后(可能与北部和北部大陆碰撞的后期有关),在孟加拉的原岩块体中的辉长岩原岩位于1550 +/- 12 Ma(2 sigma误差,包括来自衰变常数的误差),50-150 Myr。印度南部的街区。 CGC中随后的变质作用是由钙长石中的947 27 Ma锆石生长以及位于钙长石北面的变质花岗岩粒岩和石榴石中的950 20 Ma和995 24 Ma独居石生长记录的。变质花岗粒岩中7-10.5 kb和775-825摄氏度的温度和峰值温度和温度分别在995-947 Ma变质事件中的花岗石相条件。因此,如同在东高止山脉带一样,格里维利粒岩相变质作用在CGC的热构造演化中起着重要作用。



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