首页> 外文期刊>Paediatric anaesthesia >Evaluation of closed-loop anesthesia delivery for propofol anesthesia in pediatric cardiac surgery

Evaluation of closed-loop anesthesia delivery for propofol anesthesia in pediatric cardiac surgery


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Objective The objective of this study was to compare the feasibility of closed-loop anesthesia delivery with manual control of propofol in pediatric patients during cardiac surgery. Methods Forty ASA II-III children, undergoing elective cardiac surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) in a tertiary care hospital, were randomized to receive propofol either through a closed-loop anesthesia delivery system (CL group) or through traditional manual control (manual group) to achieve a target BIS of 50. Patients were induced and subsequently maintained with a propofol infusion. The propofol usage and the efficacy of closed-loop system in controlling BIS within ±10 of the target were compared with that of manual control. Results The maintenance of BIS within ±10 of target and intraoperative hemodynamic stability were similar between the two groups. However, induction dose of propofol was less in the CL group (2.06 ± 0.79 mg·kg-1) than the manual group (2.95 ± 1.03 mg·kg-1) (P = 0.006) with less overshoot of BIS during induction in the closed-loop group (P = 0.007). Total propofol used in the off-CPB period was less in the CL group (6.29 ± 2.48 mg·kg-1 h-1 vs 7.82 ± 2.1 mg·kg -1 h-1) (P = 0.037). Phenylephrine use in the pre-CPB period was more in the manual group (16.92 ± 10.92 μg·kg -1 vs 5.79 ± 5.98 μg·kg-1) (P = 0.014). Manual group required a median of 18 (range 8-29) dose adjustments per hour, while the CL group required none. Conclusion This study demonstrated the feasibility of closed-loop controlled propofol anesthesia in children, even in challenging procedures such as cardiac surgery. Closed-loop system needs further and larger evaluation to establish its safety and efficacy.
机译:目的本研究的目的是比较在心脏外科手术期间小儿患者进行闭环麻醉与手动控制异丙酚麻醉的可行性。方法在一家三级护理医院对40名ASA II-III儿童进行体外循环(CPB)择期心脏手术,将他们通过闭环麻醉输送系统(CL组)或通过传统的手动控制(手动组)随机接受丙泊酚。 )以达到50的目标BIS。诱使患者,随后用丙泊酚输注维持。比较了异丙酚的使用和闭环系统将BIS控制在目标值的±10以内的效果与手动控制的效果。结果两组的BIS维持在目标值的±10以内和术中血液动力学稳定性相似。但是,CL组丙泊酚的诱导剂量(2.06±0.79 mg·kg-1)比人工组(2.95±1.03 mg·kg-1)要小(P = 0.006),而诱导期间BIS的过冲较少。闭环组(P = 0.007)。 CL组在CPB停用期间使用的总丙泊酚较少(6.29±2.48 mg·kg-1 h-1与7.82±2.1 mg·kg -1 h-1)(P = 0.037)。 CPB前期的苯肾上腺素使用量在手动组中更高(16.92±10.92μg·kg -1对5.79±5.98μg·kg-1)(P = 0.014)。手动组每小时需要进行18次(8-29范围)剂量调整,而CL组则不需要。结论该研究证明了闭环控制的丙泊酚麻醉在儿童中的可行性,即使在诸如心脏外科手术等具有挑战性的手术中也是如此。闭环系统需要进一步的评估,以建立其安全性和有效性。



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